>>6175569>Do people ignore that all companies are susceptible to releasing defective figures from time to time?I buy several different collector's lines and I've had to return or glue probably half of my NECA stuff because of stuck joints that can't be unfrozen, or dumb engineering like using the brittlest plastic available for the thinnest places(like gun triggers that go in stiff rubber hands). Sometimes the paint applications are absolutely abysmal compared to previous entries in the line, or even compared to previous runs of the same figure.
Recently I bought some official NECA peg bases for the figures I have that absolutely will not stand, only to find out that some of the foot holes are too large. TF2 Pyro was the biggest offender and his feet actually gripped, but then both the red and blu one randomly flopped over with the stand still stuck to the foot. Neutral poses, too.
They can definitely make some nice figures from time to time, don't get me wrong, but they are incredibly hit-and-miss in both figure design and quality control.
In b4