>>6177607Actually since you said you wanted the soul patch removed too, make that a four-stage process.
I would start with a piece of tape covering the mouth and use a swab to remove the top portion of the mustache. Once you get that removed, use two pieces to cover the mouth and eye, remove one side, then reverse the placement of the tape and remove the other section.
Finally you would use one more piece to take out the chinstache, although if you were confident in your ability to cut a straight line, you could instead cut the tape to make it more narrow and remove the chin hairs and top section of mustache during Stage One.
The biggest thing you need to worry about is that some printing does not have very good surface sealant on it, and the tape can pull the printing off of the head when you remove it. Lately I've been running the piece under very hot water after I'm done, and just let the water pressure and heat remove the tape's adhesion to the piece. Seems to work, or at least I haven't had any problems with it removing print since I started doing it.
Depending on the placement of printing, this Brasso method of heresy might be less effective than just using a pencil eraser, but in situations like this where you've got a lot of printed elements in a tight cluster, I think the Brasso method is better because you don't have to scrub as hard and you don't end up inadvertently pushing up the edge of the tape and removing the printing that it was supposed to protect.