>>6179567Ok. So. It depends on your level of lifting. I live in a state where bringing your own bag is expected of you socially so I can bring one in with no one blinking an eye. If you're just starting out self check out stations are essential. You scan some items from your bag but leave the toys and/or groceries at the bottom of your bag. Check out normally and just put your purchased items on top. So long as nothing has a magnet tag that will set off the door alarms you are in the clear. Normally tags are only on items from electronics or are otherwise worth a lot.
That is entry level, good for to start off on to shave money off of your grocery bill or to pick up some smaller transformers that you can't afford normally. Next though you are going to want to scout stores for the right conditions to just walk out with a bag full of items. What you are looking for is an exit detached from the checkout lines but also can make it look like you came from the checkout lines. This is more common than you would think, an acceptable substitute is if you make it seem like you came from the restroom on your way out. Visual obstructs are a valuable tool Once you have your route chosen just do your shopping as normal but then walk out with your bag of loot.
The most important thing to remember is not to bring attention to yourself. Employees do not care enough to investigate anyone who looks suspicious so just act like you are doing what you are supposed to be doing and no one should question it. I rarely lift alone, bringing a friend helps to make you blend in more. A signal person stands out more than multiple people.