>>6216305I wasn't around at the start but it says a lot when they botched Jotaro 1st so much that they bothered to resculpt his face to the modern one we see now as re-release under "1.5". It's a little detail but I like how they used their number system to show it's more of a small update. And if memory serves right they even had a small run of Jotaro 2nd's having the updated Jotaro 1.5 head(s?) to help those who just wanted to keep the bodies since those never change.
With increasing costs and more unusual decisions being made by Medicos I'm just super wary on what will come in the future. The biggest change that caught my eye was just the new skin paint being used around Jotaro 3rd's/Jolyne 1st's releases and the latter reissues where everyone has lighter tones but I swear shots make them seem to lose the detail that the old shading offers.
Also I guess you can make an argument on accessories but it is very character specific on the qualities. I was sort of shocked to see things like Dio Black ver. packing those punch effects that Jotaro 3rd will later revive but when I moved to Part 5 you had Polnareff's wheelchair, Mista's entire effect set, I think Fugo's mirror, and so on.
Part 2 was a ride with all the pillarmen releases, Joseph's sheer accessory set, and Caesar's bubble effects. And Part 4 for packing some of the best color choices that Medicos has made though some are probably more favored than others (WF CD).
Though Medicos isn't exactly exempt from this issue of splitting releases of headsculpts into exclusives with colorways that not many like (they have a strong plethora of references but always aim as questionable colorways). And never reissuing the highly desired colorways people want because of this whole "Only SAS 1sts are reissued" rule they seem to have.
However the biggest change is just the pace of releases being slowed to a crawl. Never mind RWBY being a choice but the wait now is getting to people.