Imagine being a SW fan. All your life you've been collecting those crappy 4inch figures the old way.
Suddenly hasbro releases the black series out of the blue. At this point you're struggling, to buy them/start a new collection perhaps. They're more expensive, they're out of scale, you're torn. But they're objectively better in every way. IMMEDIATELY japs jump on the SW dick, just as you justified scalping 40 stormtroopers.
You either go full defense mode standing by your purchase and try to shitpost japshit away, or say fuck it and try to get them.
Here the average SW buyfag feels cornered. Where to buy? What is a preorder? What's a webshop exclusive? Why is it so expensive? How will I armybuild?
Sour grapes everywhere, shitposting ensues.
They criticised everything to death japs made, and when it failed they went full LMAO WEEABOO USA USA USA.