>>6338526Makes perfect sense. BFS didn't go Kickstarter- they went ahead and sunk in their own money to make the first 2 figs of the Bucky line. They need to be able to make the money back.
Good reasons why Bucky should cost more than HACKS:
1) Line does not have the general across-the-board appeal that HACKS does. Projected to sell fewer units to a more specialized base, therefore price goes up.
2) HACKS included blanks, which can be bought in bulk for customizers and people not into the Greek theme. Human bodies and skeletons have generic appeal. Space wabbits do not. Bucky does not have any viable blanks.
3) Bucky doesn't have any army builders for now. Army builders are what increases bulk sales. Individual characters don't motivate people to buy 5 or 6 or 10 of them.
4) With Bucky, unique molds need to be made for each character, with little reuse opportunities. HACKS had a base set of molds that could be combined and recombined into over a dozen different characters.
BFS needs to do what it takes to make Bucky profitable. I certainly hope it's a success and that they don't take a bath on it.