>>6290217Because some of us grew up with that cheap garage and respect the main toylines?
In all honesty arch enemy is the one 3p I would ever buy...and he'll go alongside my deluxe lg-ex black convoy and my voyager lg-ex black convoy.
>>6290222But he said he owns the original which in itself was a beautiful toy.
As for paint flaking off all toys will have that issue sooner or later unless we store them in climate controlled cabinets and never touch them, therefore all toys are shit and we must resort to treating toys like statue shit
>dat backIf that panel could of folded inwardshe would of been perfect
>dat paint rub issuesthey chose stability of the gun barrel and connection assuming their consumer base would be delicate and gentle without the autism required to transform him with full accessories 100 times a month, said consumer base is also Japanese and not a ham handed westerner, granted said westerner found play flaws, but mp's are moveable statueshit, you pick a mode and stick to it
>dat qc with accessoriesTHAT is a problem
Really though all megatron toys, be it mp or 3p are flawed, from trigger crotched g1, stiff legs g2, right up to despotron's gun barrel slide gap.
Therefore, everything is shit unless we accept it
>>6290249>>6290256>>6290259So, why have you come to the domain of /toy/ rather than /collector/, oh wait that doesn't exist.
Leave us to our toys and feel free to brag in your own 3p thread, or is that too quiet for you?