>>6331097This is only tangentially related to your thread but I don't wanna start a thread in /tv/ and most people on here will know what I'm talking about anyway.
Why the FUCK couldn't the whole movie been this? You didn't need almost 3 fucking hours to set up Batman fighting Superman. Not when even the most turbopleb normies know who Superman and Batman are already.
We could've had a Mad Max/Kingdom Come hybrid based around the idea of Superman ruling the world. It would've made everybody involved happy:
The overseas market that movie studios are so desperate to impress (but then again, they seem to eat up everything)
The causal public (see above, but with even more appeal because you can't see "Batman + Mad Max" and not think"awesome!")
Lots of opportunities for toys of PA vehicles and playsets. What scene are you going to act out with the actual BvS? That judge lady drinking Lex Luthor's piss?
Most important of all though, it would've finally been a post-Nolan DC movie that could compete with Marvel's. Not that I hate Marvel movies, but it's almost embarrassing how bad DC ones are in comparison.
Whoever is in charge of DC movies needs to be fired. I could make better decisions, and I haven't picked up a comic in years.