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Childhood stories

No.6367661 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright /toy/, time for epic tales from your backyards and bedrooms of yesterday.

>Cable, Ripley, The Shadow, and Captain Kirk hunt down xenomorph hives all while dealing with starfleet's corruption, the borg, schemes from Mojo, and the larger looming threat of the hunters in the far reaches of space

>Cable gunned shit down

>Ripley gave detailed commands on physiology of the xenos, Cable ignored them and shot shit

>Kirk and his crew liberated planets under xeno control and bombarded the ones taken by them

>the shadow tried to control the xenos through hypnosis, ultimately being mindraped by the queen into her control

>cameos from the jurassic park crew and other trek personnel, either as civvies or victims (or both!)

>a tale that spanned an entire summer

>great and glorious '97

So, whatcha got?