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No.6384162 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So there's this new line of SJW-approved dolls that are about a group of different girls whose bios are full of oppression and bummers who become magical girls for this place called Woke World.

>They are ordinary American girls trying to get by in an unfair world. They have typical concerns like making friends, earning good grades, winning soccer games and figuring out who they are. But because of what they look like and where their families come from, they have to worry about other things too. Things like how other people will treat them because of their skin color, if their families will be separated or even what bathroom they will be allowed to use. At times, they feel powerless in changing their situations.

I shit you not, every doll in the line has the same blank deer-in-headlights expression as seen in pic related. They aren't "woke" for nothin'!