Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[323 / 76 / ?]

Glyos General

No.6463662 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Onell- Villser invasion, Team Pheyden Blue
Galaxxor- Titansaber
OSM- Orbitron Whitestar, Electron+ Cosmic GitD
Kabuto Mushi- Mushi Builders- Grey,Blue,Sand,Gray

>Onell Drop
>The Gendrones will make their return as we cross into the second half of the year."

>Ongoing Topics
Show off builds
Colors you want to see again
Detail lines = Quick sellouts. Increase number of offerings or up the amount offered for the one?
10th Anniversary memories
The Villser Return, but a new Extra Set might bring the Delphi yet

>Want to know more?

>Current Stock of all Glyos stores