>>6479082I have hundreds of mega sets, from old halo, cod, destiny, terminator, etc. I just bought this blackout ops set and it dawned on me; this is the stuff I dreamed of as a kid. Shitloads of soldiers, past present and future, bumch of water, land and air vehicles, interchangeable parts, customizable weapons, I mean, holy shit. I am also very drunk, but I don't think that takes away from the greatness of what mega is doing.
Now, in a few weeks, we'll be able to go to the store and get compatible aliens and he man figures. With this awesome articulation, I mean, for fuck's sake, this guys have more articulation that basic star wars figures. I really feel like whoever designs this guys really does it because they like it, not just to put another toy on the shelves.
Anyway, yeah, the blackout ops, highly recommended. I hope more sets have the laser attachment in the future. It looks really good.