>>6491226Speaking of repacks, I've been frustrated lately because they've finally shown up at my stores, my TRU, Walmart, and Target all have one or two repacks on the shelves right now. I thought that sucked, until I found repack heaven at a walmart a good distance from me this weekend while I was out looking for eclipse glasses like a sucker. There were almost 20 there, and the place was so busy I didn't want to sit there taking photos of them for a long time. but the highlight was what had been done to the netflix wave there. It was the only time I'd seen any of it in stores too.
There were two bullseyes, both had the old bullseye swapped out, but all of the new ones accessories and the BAF intact.
There was an electra box that was open, with the tray for daredevil with his baf inside of it.
There was also a Blade box, with that new black robot from the latest star wars inside it, but again with the man thing part still there.
It was odd they left all the man thing parts, since other figures just had their BAFs swapped. There were two angela's with two different pieces in them that I didn't even recognize. Titus definitely wasn't more sought after than man thing is right now.