>>6499517All of the heat advice is good, but here's the thing: you can't make it worse by overheating, and you don't need a splint.
Your method should be:
Fill a vessel (preferably a Pyrex measuring cup) with 3 cups water.
Heat in microwave for 3 minutes. This will bring the water to a low boil, steaming.
Take each figure in-turn, fold their legs and curl them into a fetal position and fully submerge until the leg joints get floppy (you can pick the figure up by the head, wave it around and the legs flop--about 30-40 seconds).
Remove figure, move ALL joints back and forth at least once.
Straighten figure completely and lay on back on a cloth to dry.
That's it. I do this to every single ML figure I buy, new or used. I've resold figures on here constantly, and no one has ever said "hey this figure is fucked" because this method completely resets the plastic without stress.
If you still have a stuck joint, boil and submerge again, but this time, pop the joint apart, let it rest, then boil and reassemble. You can get knee pins apart by softening everything and popping the knee pin out with a chopstick, since those pieces are hard plastic that doesn't soften. With this method, you can pull out 90% of a female ML body's joints--just not the discs because they mold that in-place.