surprised that the heads fitted perfectly onto the bodies
old testament god/allah
i could not find a South Park God for a reasonable price so i made my own god
>head is from Guitar Hero God of Rock, body is from SoTA Gouken, hands from SoTA Guile
hated comic book storyline that created Red Skull Onslaught, hated the BAF head; Ash Ketchum was cheap at Best Buy and i mainly bought him for the pokeball accessory.
>BAF Red Skull Onslaught, Ash Ketchum body
right hand suzuki
Spartan was on clearance at Walgreen's and i had an extra E. Honda head
>SoTA E. Honda head, Spartan Locke body
Street Fighter 2010 Ken
Winter Soldier was on clearance at the Disney Store Outlet and again mainly bought him for the accessories. loose ken figure
>SoTA Ken head, Diamond Select Winter Soldier body