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Secret Santa Discussion.

No.6567401 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Christmas is coming folks so instead of starting it late lets start a discussion about another possible /toy/ secret Santa early. I feel like the idea was positioned way too late last year and contributed to the low participation rate.

So last year was a mixed depending on who you talk to with 3 grinches which usually wouldn't be too bad but we had less than 20 participants. The old organizers requirement for proof of address was a good idea but not sure if anything came out of it.

Anyways while it's still early just post your thought's and opinions on participating in another one this year.

I have personally thought about organizing this year but I would probably post in stricter regulations such as a buy in system which is the only way to filter out grinches and poorfags.

Post your thoughts about the idea in general or discuss past years hauls and disappointments and let out all that pessimism and bitterness that comes out when these threads are usually discussed.
