Regardless of MGSV lacking a solid half of its intended content, what was there wasn't good anyway. While the gameplay was alright (not Metal Gear gameplay at all though), the game was filled with empty, barren open worlds. The missions might as well have been entirely side ops seeing as unlike Peace Walker, a grand total of what, five missions, were actually relevant to the plot? And speaking of the plot, it's clear that only parts of what would have been the finished product made it into the game, however what was actually there was terrible. While I'm one to believe Skull Face may not have been meant to be the big bad of the game seeing as there were other planned locations set to take place after chapter 2, he was a shit villain. Zero's appearance didn't make any sense. The entire game was meant to bridge the gap between PW and MG1, and to show Big Boss finally becoming a genuine villain (Peace Walker showed signs of this but never quite turned Big Boss into the MG1 character). Neither of those things happened. I could go on and on about how none of the characters in the game feel like they should, Ocelot especially, or how many other plot points were unnecessary or poorly written. MGSV was bad regardless of being unfinished