>>6723341-Make each video less than 7 minutes for an average single figure.
-Do not do one long take, do multiple cuts with concise and tight editing to segue between clearly defined aspects of the figure (i.e. start with general sculpt and paint of figure, then move on to sculpt and paint of accessories, then articulation, then size comparison).
-Do not include some shitty music/visual intro or long-winded personal introduction/anecdote surrounding yourself or the toy.
-Do not aim the camera at your fat ugly face to record it, we do not care who you are unless you are at least a 7/10 woman; set it against a plain, well lit backdrop with no visual interference on your "set".
-Do not "um" or "uh" your way through it.
-Do not waste time on packaging, at most just start your video with the figure in the box to say what it is, then get down to business as quickly as possible.
-Know what you're reviewing as far as source material goes, including accessories.
-Show max range of movement of articulation, and make sure your hand does not obstruct the view as you go through each point.
-Do not do skits, do not do humor.
-Show relevant size comparisons from both the same line and competing lines, and consider having an "anchor" figure to serve as a common point of size reference in all of your videos so that a visual record is set up for the viewer's benefit.
-Only focus on paint flaws or exceptionally well done complex paint work, nobody gives half of a fuck about insignificant normal paint applications and things that are plain to see in the video.
-BE HONEST AND OBJECTIVE IN SHORTCOMINGS OF THE FIGURE, and maintain zero brand loyalty or bias; you're not a spokesperson for these companies, you're there to advise people on both issues and advantages prior tot heir purchase.