>>6740033Well, yeah, but the main reason they are bad characters is politics.
The decisions made about Luke for TLJ stink of deconstructing old heroes, it felt like some dumb woke college kid trampling on the paintings and busts of great men he hasn't even learned about but neertheless created the civilization that kept him safe from harm. Ever since the sequels began Rey was slated to be unable to fail, like Leia now does and like General Holdo did even if she got most of the rebellion killed anyways, because that would imply women have something inherently wrong with themselves. Finn is implied to be the only member of the First Order so far to have anything resembling a spine or a moral fiber while the rest is literally himmler.
That's how the people currently at the helm think.
And ironically, despite of all the moral greyness the sequels supposedly bring to the table, these have been the least nuanced movies in the entire franchise.
Snoke was so over the top, even for Star Wars standards, that I was surprised he didn't order his men to tie Rey to some train tracks but in space. Kylo started as a joke and is now irredeemable because there's nothing to imply he could be good. Rose destroyed Finn's moment to shine just to fucking nag him and almost killed the entire rebellion because of it. Poe was cucked to death after contributing the most to saving the rebellion than anyone in the whole stupid movie.
It's all ruined, but then again, I thought it was ruined since TFA.