Upcoming releases:
Converge Kamen Rider 10 - June
Converge Ultraman 2 - July
SHF Shocker Combatman (Black) [New version] - July
SHMA Godzilla (2016) 4th Form Frozen Ver. - July
Ultraman Orb Orbnica - July
Complete Selection Modification O Medal Holder
February releases:
DX Crocodile Crack Full Bottle - 2/17
Driving Scales Smoke Gun DX Nebula Steam Gun - 2/17
DX Turtle Watch Full Bottle Set - 2/17
DX Rose Copter Full Bottle Set - 2/17
BCRS 11 Kamen Rider Rogue - 2/17
SHF Geed Primitive - 2/17
SHF Shocker Combatman (Bones) [New version] - 2/17
SG Full Bottle 06 (Candy toy) - 2/19
SG VS Vehicle lite (Candy toy) - 2/19
Ultra Action Figure Orb Specium Superion - 2/24
Ultra Action Figure Geed Primitive - 2/24
Ultra Action Figure Zero - 2/24
Sodo Kamen Rider Build BUILD6 - 2/26
Converge Ultraman - 2/27
GP Full Bottle 10 (Capsule toy)
GP Full Bottle 11 (Capsule toy)
GP Sclash Jelly (Capsule toy)
Kamen Rider Build REMIX RIDERS04 (Capsule toy)
February exclusives:
SHMA Space Godzilla & Little Godzilla Special Color Ver. - 2/16
Super Mini-pla King Brachion - 2/22
Snap Ride Builder - 2/22
SHODO Ultraman VS Father and Mother of Ultra - 2/22
Converge Kamen Rider PB10 Kamen Rider Den-O TV COMPLETE EDITION - 2/22
SHF Shinkocchou Seihou Kabuto Hyper Form - 2/23
SHF Amazon Alpha (2nd Season Ver.) - 2/23
Everything else
https://pastebin.com/bdhm8FVD Last thread
>>6786612 >>6786622 What the heck is a Figure-rise Standard?
Looks great
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>>6786612 >>6786622 Yay, they're back! Though the last Kamen Rider model kit line didn't last very long, hopefully this one does.
>>6786634 Model kit line.
>>6786612 >>6786622 Wow, they're bringing these back? Do we know if they're still the same 1/10 scale?
>>6786649 If you're talking about Figure-Rise 6 those were explicitly meant to be 6", so around 1/12. Going by Dragon Ball Figure-Rise Standard (though they're a bit taller than 6", especially with their hair) I'm going to assume these will also be around 6" tall.
>>6786604 So the fragile stick is part of the design then.
>>6786715 Better 0r worse then the proto pics?
Looks alright to me.
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>>6786744 Looks the same, but that isn't a good thing.
>>6786612 >>6786622 >better than the figuart FUCK
We got gipped
>>6786705 Yes? That wasn't known?
>>6786604 Did you read the blog? Was he hinting Cross-Z Magma was next?
>>6786818 At least it was only 25 dollars, right anon?
Right anon???
>>6786777 Not that guy but I don't really see anything that would hint to Magma there.
Still a couple months too early anyway.
Pretty sure they're hinting that the Bros are next.
My guess is there's gonna be the blank Kaiser body and maybe a couple of Cross Armor sets, with parts for the movie ones and the Bros.
>>6786833 He said something about tatsu. Idk. It was google translate levels anyway.
I gotta wonder how much will take up for the bros. Because there's also the option of them fused together.
>>6786768 I don't know if you are being serious or not but It's a model kit which means you have to paint it yourself, the black parts will also look cheap unless you give it a matte coat. There is also a high chance the line won't expand beyond RT.
>>6786866 the different parts will likely come in their own color runners
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>>6786866 I understand how plamo works, anon.
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>>6786854 That kanji was 達, which is a plural suffix. The way I read it it's basically saying "We plan to introduce the next character"s" next time" which can really only mean the bros.
They've been pretty decent at managing how much stuff comes in each release with the So-do series, so I think it's possible that the cross armor set would just come with parts for all 3 forms.
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>>6786669 >>6786649 They were generally the size of an MG if not somewhat taller.
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>>6786886 It still isn't painted, so probably won't look as amazing as what was shown. Bandai Hobby only shows painted prototype instead of just snap-fitting
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>>6786744 I think he looks a little better than the early proto pics, his upper half looks less squashed. Looking forward to him.
>>6786899 Really emphasizes how little it looks like him. I feel like Bandai's hit a wall with their printing tech and they haven't improved using it since they started.
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>>6787331 What're you talking about? That's one of the closer likenesses that they've done, they actually got his brow, nose, mouth and jaw really close. Of course it's not going to be perfect, it's a toy.
Capsule anon Which is more worth owning? Giga Finalized or the King Sword? Playability wise?
Has anyone gotten HLJ payment requests for the Build stuff this week yet?
>>6787643 Like what? My Croc has already shipped
>>6787643 I got payment for
>Crocodile Crack >Nebula Steam >Rose/Copter >Turtle Watch >Figuarts Build Anonymous
HLJ has SIC Drive on sale. Is the figure any good? Always wanted an SIC but kept missing the boat on the ones I wanted.
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>>6787959 I’d say go for it. I don’t have him but all my SIC are awesome
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>>6786580 Anyone have the most recent checklists?
>>6787388 Definitely the King Sword. The Ultimate Finalizer ONLY has sounds for the Evolution Capsule, and only technically- basically, its only sound is button based by popping it into the base and scanning it, and it's not really anything. The King Sword has several sounds- one for each Ultra Brother, 3 special attacks for the king capsule, the Ultra Hero sound, the Ultra Bros. Shield, and the transformation sound for RMM is much better.
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>two large stickers wrapped around his whole face >leave the bottom part of the bottle hanging off the driver Love the sodo but they are not making the best effort to mitigate the effects of utilizing stickers for their figures
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>>6787959 I own it, the figure is great and the accessories it comes with are fantastic, so if it's on sale i'd recommend it.
But just a heads up, some of the pieces can fall off pretty easily.
>>6788372 Awesome! Thank you
>>6788738 No worries. In addition, here's my small list of which Capsules you're going to want to get that aren't in sets:
Mebius: With 2 Fusion Rises, a Fusion Up, and a combination with Hikari, Mebius' capsule triggers more sounds than any other non-DX capsule, and is easy to get with its SG release.
Dyna/Gaia (V2): Both of these capsules have access to a special Fusion Rise each with a component of Acro Smasher, and they each make all their previous combos from Gaia and Saga. Also available in SG.
Bemstar/Galactron/Tyrant/Bemular: The only Kaiju capsules worth getting outside of the DX sets, each one has a fusion with Kaiju capsules from the DX sets- Bemstar and Galactron with the two halves of Pedanium Zetton, Bemular with Earthtron from the Solid Burning set, and Tyrant with Gomora from the Riser. Galactron is available in either SG or gacha, but Bemular is gacha exclusive, and Bemstar and Tyrant are exclusive to the first SG set.
Happy hunting, anon!
>>6788785 Sweet, thanks for this. These are Gasha?
What is the quality difference for this line?
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>>6787959 pieces can fall off easily but he is gorgeous and Takeya came back just for Drive, Mashin Chaser and Heart Roidmude. They're real nice sculpts and designs.
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>>6786715 >>>6771386 → definitely better, they fixed the mid-torso part on build and stalk to be thicker but the arms are still a bit thin and the head feels too big to me. however it's improved and im tempted as hell just because i really like his character.
>>6787698 >>6787714 Weird, my order has been in payment processing for the last day or so. Probably wouldn't hurt to send them an email and see what's going on.
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New Super Minipla
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>>6789242 I had payment process friday night. You should get a notification via e-mail if theres something like insufficient funds to complete your transaction.
>LuPat package finally got through customs, a week later I hate parcelforce.
>Still no figuarts Grease announcement
>>6789988 >so excited to play with mecha minus the main body Anonymous
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>>6790009 Just under two weeks to wait now for the Good Striker. The third (+However many days it takes to reach me) of March can't come soon enough.
>>6788956 The tabs to swap them from "active" to "inactive" aren't spring loaded, but that's it. Even the decals are the same.
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>>6790004 at this point, i'd rather see figuarts rogue
what a sexy suit
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>>6790004 RabbitTank Sparkling is going up on the 23rd, so expect it maybe sometime after that.
>>6790312 5 is the complete set
12 is 2 complete sets and 2 extras
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>>6790342 thanks for clearing that up!
do we know what vol 3 is yet? probably the X ranger's mech and some auxiliary vehicles, right?
>>6790099 Ah, so comparable to the stiff movements of gasha eyecons?
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>>6790004 Cross Z Charge's prototype is already done and they haven't even shown it yet. What makes you think they will annouce Grease this early?
Man, these Ekohiiki people on Amazon are really inconsistent about which gash Bottle sets they put up. They completely skipped from 05 (Bat, Cobra, Orange) to 09 (Yuujou and Rocket) and they're still asking $26 for 05, which is just three non-metallic Bottles. Lesson learned here: don't go to Amazon for toku merch.
>>6790530 I learned after my first year of collecting. It's decent depending on what you're after. I compared a huge order on amazon to a huge order on Mandy once and Amazon had them beat. You really just gotta shop around for this stuff.
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>>6790531 Thing is, way back in the beginning these same people listed gash bottle sets for more or less normal prices. It's only recently that they've been inflating the prices by about $5 per bottle.
>I want to throw a down payment on the CSM Medal Holder, but my bank is doing maintenance and I can't transfer any money into the right account right now ONORE...
>>6790845 >early bird deal sold out now I demand my bank return the six dollars they've robbed from me.
>>6790845 >>6790973 What makes it so good? It doesn't even gold every medal
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>>6790991 It actually looks like the prop from the show, unlike the old DX toy.
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>>6786612 >>6786622 Fuck yes. I wonder if they'll do his other forms too. A Blood Stalk kit would be amazing as well.
>>6790845 >you need 3 to hold all of the Medals >$60 a pop Does it do anything or come with anything extra? That price is fucking ludicrous even for a CSM.
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>>6791543 Are you kidding me? That price is exactly what's expected for something like this. Even if it wasn't CSM, it's a P-Bandai medal case. Like the Buttoba ones? They're almost always $35+ before shipping.
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>>6791543 I'm just getting one. I have the original case displaying all the old medals. I'll put the cracked Taka, Momo, and Shocker, the colored "black" medals, and the other 18 future medals in this new one.
anyone here has experience with converge kamen rider stuff? I'm real tempted to get a few.
>I'll never own a driver because I want one of the nice ones and not the shitty DXs This is the worst shit ever.
>>6791711 They're alright. The head sculpts are great, and the rest of the details aren't too shabby either. If you're into the SD look, go for it.
I only got Kiva so I could rip off the head and mod it onto the old Souchaku Henshin figure.
>>6791716 Why not get one of the CSMs then?
>>6791722 They're always sold out whenever I want to get one, or I end up stalling and second guessing myself so I end up fucking myself over.
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>>6791725 Mandarake exists.
Alright I just received KR Shodo VS 8. I'm ready for 9, where is it ? WHERE IS IT ?
>>6791829 It's at the same candy toy purgatory as action 66
>Get three packaged in from HLJ >Two have a 10% off card, and the other has a 15% off card I like these events. Could do without the clear files though, I've got too many of these things now.
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>>6791933 Oh I love clear files. Didn't know HLJ packed those in, are they character-themed?
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>>6791933 Anon, if you happen to not have use for a 10% off one, please let me know
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>>6791940 They're not character themed in a sense, but event themed. Their latest ones are Valentine's related with a Alice in Wonderland related quote and images. They've done Christmas, Halloween and Anniversary themed ones too in the past.
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>>6791853 Maybe a bit early to say ?
66 action was really good too. I miss it quite a bit.
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>>6791717 >mod it onto the old Souchaku Henshin figure Pictures?
Also fuck, Base Kiva SS when, I need that or and SS DoGaBaKi in my life.
Hey guys! Since this is a Toku General, I guess I could ask here some questions about Toku Sofubi toys. First is that, does anyone know how to fix a deformed leg? What I mean is that the legs of the figure are pretty much close to each other that the toy can't even stand. I tried the hot water method on my Ultraman Taro figure but it has no effect at all. Another question is that, do you guys use primer when painting a sofubi toy? Or can I just put the acrylics directly into it. Cheers!
>>6790442 Yes. There is a latch to keep them active when pressed up, but it's varying in how good it is from capsule to capsule.
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>>6792045 The trick is not JUST hot water, though you do start with it. Right after taking it out, put it in a press or mold it to widen the legs, and keep it like that. You have to leave it that way overnight.
Are there any visible differences between a gashapon and a candy toy bottle? I know neither one has the piston effect the DX bottles do, but is that the only difference between the three?
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>>6793852 The Gasha bottles have a removable cap so they can fit into the capsule. But aside from that and the piston thing, all three are the same.
Space Core !OUuV4AbZrg
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>>6793852 As somebody who owns one of each.
>Sounds nicer/heavy like it does in show almost when shook >The inside "Liquid" pistons up and down >Feels a bit heavier compared to Gasha/Candy Toy Gashapon/Candy Toy
>Pretty much same thing as each other >"Liquid" does not piston up and down >They sound a bit lighter/cheaper when shook >Sometimes the caps can look a bit off color compared to DX CapsuleAnon
So what are the requirements to get this Dial Fighter?
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>>6794005 Think it just says anything in the VS Vehicle series.
>>6794005 I think you have to buy any DX mecha in April.
>>6794037 Do they include the individual dial fighters/trigger machines, or do I need to buy LupinKaiser/Patkaiser?
Speaking of DX vs. gasha/shokugan, are there major differences between the Astro Switches which have such variants? As an example, I got 2 Freeze switches in my Fourze lot and the gacha one was a little less satisfying to click, didn't have as much nice mechanical feedback. The DX one makes a nice metallic noise when it's flipped.
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The sounds you can get from the upcoming Good Striker campaign items
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AJxUGeKJc4 >>6794005 >>6794095 Just buy any of the released VS Vehicles, doesn't have to be a Kaiser set. So if you're collecting them all anyway, Scissors and Blade Dial Fighter will count.
>>6794615 Gash/candy switches lack the metallic/shiny number sticker. Those will be matte instead. Otherwise they're basically identical. "Big" Switches like N/S Magnet and Cosmic will also be more basic.
So what Rider Belt would you say is in most need of a CSM? Or any Sentai transformation devices you wanna see a Artisan release of?>tfw Jetman Cross-changer Artisan probably never
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>>6794662 >Or any Sentai transformation devices you wanna see a Artisan release of? https://youtu.be/Ohz5rqkMIh4?t=36s Anonymous
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>>6790530 It's not just that. Set 09 is supposed to have PhoenixRobo as well.
I'll ask since I don't really know. Do I have to buy two Good Strikers to enjoy the full LupinPat play pattern? Is there already an upgrade mech in the works that would make owning two obsolete?
>>6794950 If you want both Kaisers on display at the same time, then yes obviously, but if you're just following show rules/lore, then there's only one Good Striker.
And we don't know about any upgraded robos yet, X has his X Emperor, but we haven't seen a combination of that and Lupin/Pat Kaiser, so again, we don't know yet.
There are two different Strikers in the VS Changer as well as the Good Striker though, the Victory Striker and the Siren Striker, so you have them for upgrades, depending on how they work, I guess.
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>>6794964 Okay. All I know of the line is whats been shown in the two episodes so far. I really just wanted to know if it was a fool's errand to buy both DX sets.
I should buy one and the individuals of the other.
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>>6794662 Has Agito gotten a CSM? I know his belt doesn't really do much compared to others, but it'd be nice to have a high quality version of it.
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Anyone know why HLJ has set 6 of the Build SoDo labs relisted for a June release?
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>>6794950 Just assume there will be a movie Kaiser and use that.
Space Core !OUuV4AbZrg
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>>6794615 >>6794650 The Candy toy ones feel a bit cheaper and have a little QR sticker and square indentation for it on the back.
The DX have the nicer sticker with the sparkly effect on it too.
The CSM Build Driver is going to be fucking insane. It will have to come with its own Pandora Box to hold all these damn bottles. And Sparkling. And the Hazard Trigger and Full Full Bottle. And the Cross-Z Dragon and Magma Knuckle. And the Genius Full Bottle. And all the vapor full bottles. This thing is going to cost a fucking fortune.
>>6795157 I don't think anything past OOO will really get a CSM
>>6795172 Eh, Fourze and Drive might be easy to do, and maybe Wizard or Ghost. But Gaim and Ex-Aid are questionable, since the lockseeds and gashats have their own electronics.
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>>6794662 The Fourze driver, a CSM version of that with all new switches would be amazing.
>>6795218 >since the lockseeds and gashats have their own electronics So do the Gaia memories, but a CSM Double, Accel and Lost Driver all exist.
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>>6795255 Double as a toyline doesn't have a metric fuckton of collectables like Gaim and Build do.
>>6795157 You do realize not a single CSM has come with EVERYTHING from a series, right? Even the Fang and Extreme Memories were separate items.
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I could see a CSM Wizard Driver and White Wizard Driver being produced, but generally I agree with
>>6795172 Anonymous
So, which fullbottles have you guys managed to get so far? I'm working with all of the Touto ones but Hedgehog right now, and half of the Hokuto matches.
>>6795679 I'm only missing Santa, Cake, Card and Mahoutsukai.
>>6795679 I only bothered getting the first 10/Touto best matches and upgrade items.
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>>6786899 Amazing. I want it now. I hope they do the whole team and the whole team does well enough for them to do others.
>>6795679 All the Touto bottles, PhoenixRobo, Bat, Cobra, Medal, RabbitTank Sparkling, and the Sclash Jellies.
>>6795688 This was my original plan too. I don't have a lot of self restraint.
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>>6795679 I only have RabbitTank, GorillaMond, NinninComic, and HawkGatling. I don't know if I want anymore. As much as the bottles grew on me, they take up a ton of room and don't really do much to stand out from each other.
>>6795687 Wow, even the copper bottom bottles?
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>>6795720 Bat and Cobra? Yeah, I got those.
>>6795724 Once Tokullectibles sends it out, sure.
>>6795688 >>6795695 I'm sticking with the Touto. I grabbed Pheonix Robert to see how the new sculpts looked in person and I don't like them as much so I'm keeping it under the basis that it's a movie form. Everything else I'm grabbing is upgrades and definitely the Evol stuff. Fuck the Nebula shit though
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>>6795748 >Got the Croc bottle because it looked real fucking nice >Got the Sclash driver shortly after, cause fuck it I need it for the Rogue transformation >He uses the Nebula steam gun too, but it and the gears look like absolute garbage compared to the show versions It's sad how poorly the Nebula gun toy turned out, it's not even close to the same colours as the actual prop either.
Space Core !OUuV4AbZrg
>>6795679 >First set of 5 Touto Matches >Almost the second set of 5 Touto Matches but need Hedgehog >One set of 5 Matches for Hokuto >Beetle/Camera on the way from Mandarake >Both Sclash Jellies >The Cobra/Bat Bottles >Gear Bros from Nebula Steam >Rabbit/TankSparkling >Hazard Trigger Stop me I'm drunk on bottles
>>6795218 The problem with Fourze is that I can't see them reproducing all 40 switches.
I can however imagine them releasing a Sengoku Driver with a CSM strap, extra sounds with BGM, and a big set with all of the main faceplates and basic Lockseeds. They wouldn't have to put much effort into it and people would eat that shit up.
>>6795775 Switches would definitely be a big problem. I also can't realistically see them doing a CSM Ex-Aid with all the Gashats.
>>6795679 >all Touto Bottles except Dragon, Hedgehog, and Lion >all Hokuto Bottles so far except Bear and TV >all Faust Bottles >both Gears and Crocodile Crack >Sparkling >every matchable Legend Rider Bottle except Card And to think I wasn't even going to buy into shit this year after the nightmare of collecting Gashats.
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>>6795785 The ones from the Memorial Finish set are already basically CSM Gashats.
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>>6783083 Anon, how do I keep track of all the prizes?
what's the differences between wcf & converge?
>>6795679 All currently released bottles, and all glitter plated versions, with Camera, Wolf, and Smartphone on the way.
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>>6795679 All the Touto bottles, only Phoenix/Robot from the current Hokuto ones but have all the others minus UniRaser currently en route, all the legend ones besides Card, Bat, Cobra, Cake. Sparkling. It's just a pain in the ass when so many bottles are in promo shit like Ghost, Santa, etc when they're canon to the series.
>>6796024 WCF are bigger crane toy prizes. Converge are smaller and more detailed candy toys. WCF has figures of a lot of characters who have never gotten anything else like Aqua and Poseidon. Converge also has a few surprising characters on offer like Go-Gadoru-Ba, but generally stick to main/secondary/otherwise major Riders with a few major villains like Heart or N-Daguva-Zeba.
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>>6796176 I see. Do you have a comparison shot of the 2 same rider or a link to a review?
thanks though!
Does anyone have any experience storing toku toys in an attic? I've been looking to save some space and tossing some of the stuff I don't get to as often in my attic. (I'm talking mostly DX toys.) Though I'm worried about any damage that could come to them. I've got them in their original boxes and I'd probably throw them in a storage tote on top of that. Any yellowing/degradation I should worry about? My old childhood Power Rangers megazords had survived and they were haphazardly tossed into a box together for 15+ years.
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>>6796248 keep them out of direct sunlight, in something watertight, and take all the batteries out before you pack them up and you should be good to go.
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>>6786768 Different divisions in Bandai
Space Core !OUuV4AbZrg
>>6796414 All mine are DX.
I think I only own a single Gasha/Candy Toy and that's a Gashapon Rabbit left over from when I bought a box of the first GP set and a Candy Toy Dragon to carry around.
Forgot I got Crocodile too.
So I guess I got all DX currently out except the Dog/Microphone, Kuma/TV set's, Hedgehog and all the Rider ones.
>>6796024 Here's a shot of some of my WCF, but I don't have any Converge to compare with. I'd say the Rider ones, which are slightly larger than the other series like One Piece, are about three inches tall at most.
>>6796430 If you're looking for that Dog/Mic set, Tokullectibles has it for $35 shipped. It's the cheapest place I've seen other than Mandarake which hasn't had a listing in a while.
Space Core !OUuV4AbZrg
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>>6796447 Oh shit.
Gonna grab that in the next day or two then.
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>>6796435 thank you for your effort, anon
>>6796024 they have different proportions and materials too. I like WCF's proportions better since their heads are much larger in proportion to their body compared to the Converge proportions (more SD basically) and I don't really like Converge's more rubbery softer plastic material but Converge tend to have better paint QC than WCF. WCF is also painfully expensive once you miss out on a popular Rider. I can't say they're worth the aftermarket price, but if it's your specific niche/poison, then it's all good.
Converge are also smaller than WCF ones.
SeafoamS !!xCaTeED5pdt
This boi is pretty damn great. Still getting used to the new joints, but damn he's solid.
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>>6796606 guess I have to see it in person then.
>>6796680 Your posing makes me not want it...
SeafoamS !!xCaTeED5pdt
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>>6796704 Don't skip on him just cause of my trash posing, mate. He's a great fig. Really sturdy and very detailed.
I was just trying to see if he could do Ichigo's henshin pose.
Maybe someone else can post their attempts at it to get some better pics of him on here.
>>6796680 how's QC? I noticed out of all the reviewers' Build, they all have really really good QC compared to the average SHF releases lately. Any nub marks/extra bits of plastic sticking out? paint chips? discoloration?
i really hope this isn't a regular release... because just how hard this shelf warm will definitely make Hazard TankRabbit or Grease a p-bandai or just never happen at all. How many of you are rushing to buy Sparkling and Cross Z Charge? I preordered Build and Cross Z because they look good, but I think these 2 upgrades are very forgettable and the SHF for Cross Z Charge is... very underwhelming.
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>>6796732 I like Sparkling better than Rabbit Tank but I am still on the fence about preordering it.
>>6796732 >i really hope this isn't a regular release >no Bandai Collector's Shop logo Anonymous
>>6796739 these madmen, Cross Z being p bandai but this being a regular release.
>>6796732 My biggest beef with CZC is its boxy shoulder pads, otherwise I've grown fond of it.
I'm just happy this is a regular release. Nice to see cloth capes are sticking around too.
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>>6796744 my biggest beef with it is how it looks like badly artificially flavored fruit juice drink, as an upgrade to a good looking, fun suit like Cross Z.
>>6796746 >Regular release >When there is that fuck huge Bandai Collectors Shop logo i am sorry anon...
>>6796746 >Regular release >Bandai Collectors Shop Anonymous
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>>6796746 Is today opposite day? Also Geed Magnificent and Geed Movie form effing when, that looks good though
Genm level 0 is coming too
>>6796748 >>6796749 Bastards cropped that out on me on purpose so I could be thrown into despair
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>>6796746 >>Bandai Collector's Shop logo I'm guy who posted the Cross Z Charge image...my condolences anon.
>>6796752 That looks beautiful, man am i glad i didn't already get Level . And thank christ those Mario figuarts accessories shelfwarmed so hard, i can use the pipe with him.
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>>6796758 >And thank christ those Mario figuarts accessories shelfwarmed so hard, i can use the pipe with him. what paint would be best to color them you think?
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>>6796752 Just give me a Cronus, MMX and Muteki now please.
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>>6796752 >He's got a counter for lives i still want the original, but i ain't missing this
>>6796870 >They actually fixed the proportions I'm still not going to buy it, but thank fuck it doesn't look like an anorexic shit now.
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>>6796902 Just because Seiji Takaiwa had a gut doesn't mean I want my figures to have one too
Anyone have pictures of the So-Do Lupinranger and Patranger?
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>>6796732 >>6796746 >>6796752 >>6796870 >All July I have Belial and base Cross-Z pre-ordered so i want all of them, but this mean i will have to skip one eventually then.
>>6796997 Those legs are kinda not great
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>>6796997 Heeeey, anyone know how many boxes are in a case of So-Do or Yu-Do?
Says here LuPat Yu-Do will have an assortment of 7 at one go. I'm wondering what extras and how many of them will there be.
http://www.bandai.co.jp/candy/products/2018/4549660224273000.html Anonymous
>July scans >no Gudon to bully my Twintail Bandai has massively let me down.
>>6797083 >he doesn’t know Anonymous
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>>6797093 Don’t get me wrong, I’m aware Bandai is working on Gudon. I’m just bummed that he’s not coming out a month after Twintail, is my thing.
>>6796997 >>6797014 The girls' skirts really do a great job of improving their figures tenfold.
>>6797085 >>6797068 yeah fairly new to the Ultraman franchise but my mind completely went in a different direction when I saw "Twintail", i am ashamed.
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>>6797151 Hey, you could dress your Twintail up like a schoolgirl if you really want. We won’t judge you too harshly.
>>6796732 I like Cross-Z Charge but it just isn't as good as regular Cross-Z or even Magma. It's such a shame they tossed aside his original suit so quickly.
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>>6796752 >Still no sign of Para-Dx level 50 forms. GIVE ME THEM ALREADY
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>>6796997 Great, visor stickers again.
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>>6796732 I think I'll stick to base forms.
>>6796870 Wait fuck they fixed this. It actually looks good
>Bandai start to really focus on Toku and Sentai model kits. >Every form and team gets made Yay or Nay?
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>>6797635 >gotta put in actual work just to have Sentai figures i pay it gladly
>>6797635 Never gonna happen
Would like it to happen though
>>6795157 In retrospect, they would probably sell it all separately, like when they sole the CSM Fang Memory. I know they would sell each region's bottles separately, but I don't know about the rest.
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>>6796902 What did he mean by this?
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>>6796746 That cape doesn't look cloth either anon. It's just not your day.
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>>6797663 I kind of hope whoever did this does it again when Build is over.
I'm on the fence about SHF Lazer Lv 0, how much longer do I have to waffle on it?
>>6797726 Through P-Bandai, you don't. The pre-order window has ended.
With a middleman like NY, maybe like a week or two more.
>>6797733 Is tokullectibles any good? They still have him up for less than it would cost to buy from NY with shipping
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>>6797735 I've never used them myself, but there's been a few posts in these threads about people using them and them being decent.
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>>6797735 Yeah, they're good.
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>>6797735 Yes, but you either pay it all up front or pay a portion now and a portion+shipping on release.
>>6796752 >Now I can have 3 different Genms Anonymous
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>>6796732 >retail Nice, I like it more than Cross-Z and being a different driver makes him stand out more rather than being a hand me down side kick but instead Sento's equal
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>>6797895 If they make God Maximum Mighty, you could have a barbershop quartet of autistic screeching.
>>6797642 They just created a separate division specifically for model kits and announced Figure-rise Standard Build like a week later. It definitely is going to happen. Cheaper to produce than SHFs and people will still pay premium prices for them.
>>6797319 yeah, I still think Cross Z is the best form for him, but I do like how Magma looks. CZC is just... really forgettable. Whatever tier of upgrade Sparkling and CZC are, I really hope it won't be the one we see the most of... Come on, just give me SHF Grease and Hazard... Heck, I'd be up to cough up money for SHF HawkGatling and NinjaComic.
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>>6797663 The Hazard Trigger and the RabbitTank Full Full Bottle would definitely be paired together, as well as the Cross-Z Dragon and Magma Knuckle.
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>>6798192 >They just created a separate division specifically for model kits That's wrong. The parent company is combining Bandai Hobby and Tamashii (and Banpresto) Nations into Bandai Spirits.
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Order arrived today. Croc is everything I wanted the other bottles to be. It's so nice
Question for people who own both Build Driver and Sclash Driver. Can you pop Sclash onto the same Buckle/Belt parts as the Build Driver?
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>>6798412 Yes, but the straps fit in a bit closer together on the Sclash Driver.
look at this sexy motherfucker
>>6796732 So stoked for this, Sclash is the best transformation
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>>6798479 I love this design!
>>6798493 charge < vanilla cross-z
>>6798508 It's cheating because it's Wakamoto, but Charge's jingle is better than regular Cross-Z just for the BURRRRAH. Design-wise I prefer regular Cross-Z though.
>>6798566 I think that's saying Cross-Z is better than Charge given the less than sign
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>>6798580 Also I'm tired and can't into reading comprehension so ignore me.
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>>6798508 Nah son, translucent armor is sick
>>6796732 Best thing about the existence of this is being a base body for Grease.
Worst thing is realizing that Grease will get P-Bandai'd because he's likely going to die and thus have a limited time to be marketed to the masses.
>>6796741 Makes me wonder if they're finally willing to revoke Exclusive status based on proven popularity. Finally making what seems to to be a retail Genm makes me think so too. Granted, I don't know if Banjo is popular over in Japan.
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>>6798718 Genm is P-Bandai.
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>>6798767 Pepsiman is exclusive, Jelly Dragon is retail.
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>>6798767 The collector shop logo is right fucking there on the left figure, come on.
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>>6798789 >no accessories with Sparkling either Yeah that seems about right.
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>>6796732 im pretty sure hazard and grease will happen, but what about cross z charge shelfwarming makes you think grease wouldnt get a release at all?
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>>6798789 thought it was muteki gamer for half a second
>>6798201 i really wish they'd do the other best matches
>eyes are missing the white border Pretty embarrassing.
>>6798737 >Sparkling >Cross Charge >No HawkGatling in sight >No Pirate/Train >Never getting any of the other forms Anonymous
>>6798737 Christ. I still don't get why Sparkling's so expensive. It's virtually double the price of RT with no accessories in sight so far.
>>6798815 And honestly clearly I'm nitpicking at this point but this looks like such a cheap piece of crap. How is it that the Figuarts Lockseeds managed to have all the detail they needed four fucking years ago and these days we're getting these lazy low-effort collectibles?
I could half understand it with the Gashats because they were tiny, but they've got no fucking excuse with this thing. It's one of the biggest toys we've had in a very long time. There is literally no reason for the Figuarts version to look like it came out of BCR.
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>>6798816 Post-show P-Bandai [spoiler:lit]:^)[/spoiler:lit]
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>>6798826 Are you new or something? That's a normal P-Bandai price. You're wasting your time comparing it to the standard RabbitTank release, because the price for that was nothing but a promotional stunt. It has no bearing on anything else. The accessories (or lack thereof) never had anything to do with it either.
>>6798828 >There is literally no reason for the Figuarts version to look like it came out of BCR. How much money did you WANT to spend on that figure? Because having so much extra detail on just the can would jack up the price even more. You may as well complain that not every pipe on the Driver is painted and the wheel is a flat silver.
>>6798847 I'm going to be honest with you- it really wouldn't. The label could have been a tampograph and it wouldn't have cost much, if any, more.
>>6798865 Did your uncle at Bandai tell you that?
>>6798868 No, but that's a fairly flat surface and I do have some experience with toy production. I'm not saying it's a wash all over, but it wouldn't have been tough to do just that much extra, and it probably wouldn't have cost more.
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>>6798873 Christ does that silver and transparent blue look good on him.
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>>6798828 Is it cuz the words aren't colored in?
>>6798828 wait are you the same guy who just had the same freak out on tokunation about the same thing
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>>6798966 I mean obviously.
I had my freakout here first though.
>>6798873 This jump from C-Z to C-ZC is just as bad as the jump from Meteor to Meteor Storm
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>>6798981 I disagree
Because Meteor Storm actually noticeably got in the way of Meteors fighting style by hindering his movements.
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>>6798981 its fine. he's getting a much better looking power up
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>>6798873 Hmm, is this going to be the first secondary rider I get a figuarts of? Maaaybe.
>>6798812 the beauty of SODO is that you get those forms at a more affordable price (if you don't miss out on them or scalpers don't get to them first) but the downside is that they might not get made into SHF because now there's another less risky line to make them in that also function as action figures and not just gachas or converge.
I REALLY REALLY want HawkGatling though out of all the other best matches.
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>>6798874 anon, if you're for real and have worked in toy production, share some info. I'm not being sarcastic, it actually would be nice to learn a bit, even if you hadn't worked at a Japanese toy company to have some kind of estimate or idea of some things.
>>6799066 The sodo are also good because you can mix & match halves
>>6799070 I've gotten the remix riders and I really haven't been interested in doing that to any of them so far, haha (the remix rider gacha line for Build is awesome though, haven't been able to resist getting most of them). I do like the idea of SODO but I also don't mind my SHF being one solid piece since I do like the best match designs as they are.
It's unfortunate but I really don't think they'll do much or even any of the best match designs are SHF.
>>6799076 That’s cool, i like the sodo cause all best matches+they’re action figures
Plus they’re super toyish which i like a lot, compared to the replica style figuarts which I also collect
>>6799103 yeah build has great suits, so all these toy releases... everyone will find something. I'll say this though, the SODO really tempted me because they had the mechanical piping henshin sequence props as part of the set. I wish the SHF had that as an optional accessory set.
>>6799159 You can use BCR one, they are about the same scale.
>>6799159 The sodo don’t have the piping though...
>VS changer and all the VS vehicles arrive >Sclash driver, Crocodile bottle, RabbitTank Sparkling can and Hazard Trigger also arrived There's too many boxes in my house.
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>>6799178 Package Sentai...Hoardrangers!!
>>6799250 They should skip to SIC Ex Aid after this
>>6799253 They need to make the Energy Riders first.
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>>6799255 They already did Drive though! ;_;
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>>6799177 o shit, so the one that has it... is the BCR!
>>6799164 how much would this cost me? Do I have to buy the whole set for it, or is it sold separately?
>>6799253 the only thing SIC knows how to skip is FUCKING SPACE TIME
>>6799253 I don't care for Ex Aid so I hope they do spend a long time on SIC Ex Aid stuff so my wallet can recuperate before they go to Build.
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>>6799339 >buys all the Ex Aid SIC Anonymous
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>>6799330 They also skipped Kabuto for a long time. And when they finally did make one, it was only because of Decade.
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>>6799253 Just fucking imagine the S.I.C. of Dangerous Zombie that they'd put together. It's also probably the only chance we'll have to get level three Lazer.
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>>6798981 Nah. The suit works and colors aren't garish. The 85% silver just kind of blends into each other and makes the suit look boring.
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>>6798737 It's funny, I think the original Cross-Z is a better design overall, but as a figure I think I'd rather have these two as a duo over him. I guess CZC has grown on me.
Hey folks, does anyone here have the S.I.C Drive figure? Quite tempted to get one because I'm loving that redesign but I'd like to hear some opinions before hand.
>>6799837 some of the bits don't like to stay on very much, but boy is al that fire a cool accessory
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>>6799330 >space time oh boy
>>6799837 you can have mine, I hate it. All the parts fall off when you try to pose, limited pose ability because of the design. It's basically a statue that falls apart
>>6799837 I've got him. The pipes on the right leg seem to fall off with the tiniest amount of pressue and he falls over a lot, which is disappointing, but it looks absolutely incredible in person, so I'm willing to take those two issues for it.
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>>6799917 Not him but I'll take it. Got an email?
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>>6799250 A tad boring compared to the other gaim SIC.
>>6799862 >>6799917 >>6799928 I've gone and ordered him, cheers for the posts Anons. Hopefully some Pledge should help the pipes and other bits stop falling off.
I know there's S.I.C figures for Mashin Chaser and Heart, but have any designs for Mach cropped up anywhere yet?
Totally missed out on preorders for this SOB. Amiami, hlj are out, cant think of any others . Need help guys lol
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>>6800009 tokullectibles, Nippon Yasan, mykombini
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>>6799250 It looks really good, the natural flow of Japanese aesthetic is very well-articulated.
>>6800009 It might still be available after release. I've seen some of the other new W Figuarts shelf warming.
>>6800271 >Hokuto Trio bottles I don't know if I should get these or wait for a Premium Bandai set. I hate shipping Gachapon toys by themselves.
>>6800481 >Trio It's just two of them, Anon. Owl isn't there.
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>>6800009 >>6800180 I paid no more than $30 for W, Accel, and Skull using the BST and Mandarake. They're all regular releases and this one is too, I believe, so hopefully you can find a bargain.
>Shf Ultraman Geed Primitive payment request GET OVER NOW intensifies
Any anons who have experience taking apart Gashats, I need your help. My DX MAX has a misfired label tampo and I'm wondering if I can gut a gachapon or candy toy version for the name plate and swap it out. I don't own any non-DX Gashats else I'd try it myself.
Hello i have been looking everywere i know to try to find the new hyper kabuto figuarts. its not on hlj or amiami so i guess its webshop but its also not on mandarake. i could really use some help thank you
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>>6801221 It only started shipping today. Keep your eye on Mandarake this week.
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>>6801179 Definitely can't do it with the Gashapon, the Gashat body is split in two and the label is just a sticker.
Don't own any SG ones so I can't say for sure. Another problem with those though may be color. Again, don't own any, but a lot of times the SG/Gasha won't match the DX toys in color, so that may be an issue,
SeafoamS !!xCaTeED5pdt
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>>6796721 Missed this post. My b, dude.
Yeah, this one's pretty damn perfect. No paint issues, all the joints and parts are tight, and the figure looks amazing. Probably my figure of 2018 unless something crazy comes out.
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>>6801309 Such a cutie, Tatsuo's not bad either. hope Geed's
movie form gets Figuarts too
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>>6799947 Nope but hopefully we see more from them.
>>6799947 Suspect we won't get more SIC of Drive. Mashin Chaser and Heart were limited releases and Drive himself went to bargain bins. I love my Heart and Drive SIC though. Mach SIC would display well with Machine Chaser too...
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>>6801492 Christ what i'd give for an S.I.C. or Figuarts of Kamen Rider Lupin, that was one sexy suit.
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>>6798873 I hated Cross-Z Charge suit design but this figure looks awesome, how come the blue and silver parts blend so beautifully. I must be drunk or something.
>>6801020 >>6801309 >>6801426 Looks awesome, now that Primitive is out of the way, here's hoping for a Solid Burning announcement soon.
Also, are there any figuarts for Zero yet? I want his base form so badly.
Good Striker is a big ol boy.
Take a look at this handsome boy.
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>>6802302 The Carrot
>>6802306 And the Boomstick
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>>6802675 I'm just trying to collect the belt stuff. Please don't tempt me further.
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>>6802675 I'm very much considering making him my first RAH
>>6802675 Somebody explain to me why he's like $100 more than a normal RAH
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>>6798828 >four fucking years ago It's because it was four years ago that they could do that. Now they have to cut all the corners they can to keep the ever rising production costs down. Your figures will keep looking cheaper and cheaper and get more and more expensive and it won't end until people just stop buying them and force Bandai to change their business model.
>>6802812 Because it comes with the sword, obviously.
honestly, im glad Cross-Z was p-Bandai. the fact he was used in like 3 or 4 episodes yeah.. i would of pre-ordered a dude who wouldnt be used ever again
>>6802999 I'm glad I had the good sense to ask my middle man to put in a pre-order for me.
I love the Cross-Z suit way more than the Charge suit.
Is there any chance they can correct Night Rogue's undersuit before release?
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>>6803181 Not a chance
He's solid black now for god knows what reason and I think it's that reason why he'll go largely unsold.
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>>6803181 just abandon all hope and get the inevitable pbandai kamen rider rogue
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>>6803181 What do you mean? The Figuarts is the right color.
>>6803181 But it's the right color, what is even there to correct?
Hey /toy/, rate my skull shf. I just bought it today, I'm so excited to finally pose it and... sorry for phoneposting, am too upset to go to computer.
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>>6803224 oh man, take it easy.
>>6803136 I do too, Charge sucks. But I would of felt bad buying something that only appears for like 3 eps.
Which is why im usually wary about getting henshin items that are just mid season upgrades.
But that is just me, obviously other people have different priorities
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>>6803224 >And i will go sailing... Anonymous
yfw you finally found best boy for only [spoiler:lit]13000jpy[/spoiler:lit] when visiting Japan last month.
Space Core !OUuV4AbZrg
>>6803181 >>6803214 He probably means this
It's shown with the solid Black undersuit early but then changes to the redish that Stalk has and was that for a long time and just recently is back to the solid Black.
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>>6803318 It's not the same red Stalk is, it's just brown. Stalk has his own set of fancy leather and cheap undersuits. And it's just a stunt suit, it's not what the design is actually supposed to look like.
>>6803559 That helmet needed to be a tad thicker/more opaque. Cross-Z Charge loses something when you can't make out the details of the face.
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>>6803258 My thing is, I typically only pick up the main rider's stuff when I decide to collect from a season. I'm going full hog on all the bottles and other add-ons for the Build driver, but I won't be picking up the Sclash Driver.
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>>6803230 No, I'm the anon that posted their shelf with a bunch of IBO on it a few months ago.
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>>6803574 Cross-Z Charge's problem as a design is that the specific shade of transparent blue his face is totally depends on the lighting. Grease's oily brown-black can look good wherever, but Cross-Z's blue can easily wash itself out in the wrong light. If it's too bright, it catches all of the light and you lose all of the molded detail in the face.
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>>6798828 >How is it that the Figuarts Lockseeds managed to have all the detail they needed four fucking years ago and these days we're getting these lazy low-effort collectibles? Because they gave that to the Sclash Driver instead, enjoy your jelly dragon
What's releasing in March? I need to decide if I should ship my warehouse now or wait for March.
Space Core !OUuV4AbZrg
>>6804133 Depends if you're collecting Sentai stuff or Rider stuff but prepare that wallet anyway.
Early March
>DX Tiger UFO Full Bottle Set >VS Vehicle Double Transformation Good Striker >VS Vehicle Phantom Thief Combiner Lupin Kaiser Set >VS Vehicle Police Combiner Pat Kaiser Set >DX Pandora Panel Blue >DX Pandora Panel Red >DX Magician & Orange Full Bottle Set Mid March
>DX Whale Jet Full Bottle Set >DX Deer Mid Full Bottle Set >DX Full Full Rabbit Tank Bottle >Ultimate Lineup DX Full Bottle Buster Late March
>DX Giraffe Cyclone Full Bottle Set >DX Penguin Skater Full Bottle Set >VS Vehicle DX Cyclone Dial Fighter >VS Vehicle DX Trigger Machine Biker >DX Bee Submarine Full Bottle Set Unknown but just March release
>SHF Night Rogue >SHF Guts >SG Full Bottle 07 (Candy toy) >Sodo Kamen Rider BUILD7 >Converge Kamen Rider 9 >Super Mini-pla Live Robo >Mini-pla VS Vehicle 01 Anonymous
>>6804165 >Panels >Full Full Bottle+Buster >SHF Night Rogue Fuck, that alone is gonna be plenty heavy already.
What about April releases?
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>>6804167 April is nice and easy. It's the Magma Knuckle for Build and the Scissor+Blade Dial Fighter.
>>6803224 literally how do you even break that
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>>6804438 By breaking it. Literally how don't you comprehend that?
It's a shame they don't do any Sentai SHF any more cuz I just got into Sentai and the total lack of posable team figures is really lame.
>>6804884 Gee why not get the yudo figs for this season you baby
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>>6804884 Lupinrangers and Patrangers have a YU-DO set coming out in April of all of them.
>>6804889 Aren't candy toys like crap tier tho?
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>>6804900 People are nitpicky.
Anon you were right. It was the bros
>>6804998 Yep.
That's one heavy armor set.
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>>6805010 Full case it is.
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>>6803224 People like you should just buy the sofubis.
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>>6804133 >>6804167 There's a big list that's always in the OP.
Is there a list of what each Build sodo set contains? I see they're numbered but I can't find any consistent source of the contents. Also extra question: do earlier sets get rereleases or is it more or less a one run deal?
>>6805211 If you go to the blog posts, you can see the line ups. Which set were you interested in?
Also, no re-releases for sets, but Night Rogue and Stalk both got re-releases in the past two sets.
>>6805221 I'm just interested in having a set of the Faust guys and the base forms of each character
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>>6805235 It's gonna take some hunting down. I've sold most of my spares already too, so I can't offer much else for ya.
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>>6803296 I know the feeling, back in 2016 I was in Japan and went all my way out to Akihabara to buy Kachidoki Arms at Mandarake. You're lucky, I really wish I could buy some stuff there now, gashats and Kami included.
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>>6804165 Man, I cannot wait to see what ShikaMid looks like.
any reviews on the Geed shf?
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dhl or ems for big boxes?
sentido common (common sense anon 2.0)
sentido common (common sense anon 2.0) Sun 25 Feb 2018 11:29:03 No. 6805902 Report Quoted By:
>>6800504 What about candy toy? If something isn't in the Gashapon line yet, it will first appear in candy toy instead. Reverse is true for some candy toy gimmick items appearing in Gashapon first.
>>6805010 >Full armor Engine Remocon I assume the guy with Engine will die and Remobro will use the full suit. Though, not before Rogue uses the Engine Gear to create a Full Bottle.
>>6806190 It's from the movie, anon..
I hope the figuarts come out nice
>>6806235 These should have been the final forms.
>>6806235 if you mixed those two forms, would it be rabbitrabbittanktank?
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>>6806397 It would be Rabbit Tank Hazard actually. Who would have guessed?
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>>6806206 It's happening in the show too.
>>6806235 >>6806296 I don't have a problem with Genius, but this would make such a cooler looking final form.
These bottle sets are really starting to add up... I'm tempted to take a pause until the show ends to grab the rest. What do you think?
>>6806715 You'll probably be fine holding off on regular DX sets, but I'd still consider picking up any special sets that come out like the SharkBike that comes with the DVD.
>>6806721 This is pretty sound advice, but certain sets can be hard to find. I broke down and just bought the gashapon versions of UniRaser purely because the DX set has been hard as shit to find. Beetle and Camera at least got the gash treatment too, so that's a much cheaper alternative than having to buy the ganbarizing binder.
Space Core !OUuV4AbZrg
Quoted By:
>>6806715 Get them as they're coming out if you can but if HLJ is any indication then all will still be easy to get a hold of after they come out.
>>6806721 SameBike is going to get Gashapon and SG releases. There's no point wasting extra money on the DVD if you don't want it.
I got a used Ryuki SHF and the diecast feet have paint chipping off. How difficult would it be to touch up? It's a matte black. Any suggestions?
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>>6806761 >>6806739 You can just press the pins. There's no point in spending money.
In fact, don't even buy the driver. Use the flash driver if you want to hear sounds
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>>6806721 This is a good idea, thank you. I already have some of the rarer sets, and I ordered the other 2 Pandora Panels. I'll order SameBike when it comes up for pre-order at HLJ.
Quoted By:
Anybody have some of the Kyoryuger Minipla sets? I'm rewatching the series with my family and thinking I'd like to get some of the mechs, particularly Pteragordon and Plezuon.
>>6806715 I'm personally calling it with the Touto matches/original 10 sets and PhoenixRobo. Someone over on /krg/ did the adding up recently.
>60 normal bottles >five Faust bottles >two Sclashjellies >two Gears >Crocodile Crack >RT Sparkling >RR/TT >Genius >Dragon Magma >at least four Evol bottles >ten Smash bottles (pic related) >six Legend Rider bottles >eleven Rider form bottles (e.g. Medal) >SantaCake, SameBike, BatEngine Not counting the metallic gacha bottles, that's at minimum 111 trinkets to collect if my math is right.
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>>6806671 That does look great, but it doesn't really follow the heisei trope of the final form being a swiss army knife of all the previous gimmicks.
>>6806974 >>SantaCake, SameBike, BatEngine SantaCake supposedly replaced GoldScorpion in Hokuto's sets due to being cancelled and SameBike & BatEngine are likely the two missing Seito matches as only 8 were listed. Granted that's only a whole 6 bottles out of all that.
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>>6804165 Half hoping the Bottle Buster is shit and I won't need to get it. Gonna have to be fast to lock down a RR/TT bottle though
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>>6798865 >Tampo on a small and uneven/detailed surface like that Fucking kek.
>>6806974 >>6807069 I still can't cope with Gold/Scorpion being gone
That's not fair
>>6807388 >>6807069 I still don't understand why or how one set out of all of them got "canceled."
Quoted By:
>>6807388 There may yet be hope of it popping up somewhere.
The Nebula Steam Gun has "Lost Match" sounds for all the bottles like Cobra, Castle, DC, etc. that don't have a Best Match. But it also very oddly uses that same sound for Kyoryu and Scorpion. The fact that these two random bottles that do have a Match are included seems obviously deliberate, so there may be plot involved for...something. Maybe the movie. If so, we can probably count on it being released.
Of course, nothing but speculation right now.
>>6807394 From the 2ch rumor mill, the gold plastic they were using for the Gold bottle wound up REALLY crumbly and they couldn't replace it easily enough to warrant keeping it in.
>>6807408 I thought they figured out how to avoid Gold Plastic Syndrome years ago?
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>>6807408 >>6807439 Also seems kinda suspicious since there's like 2 or 3 other Fullbottles that use gold. The only actual gold plastic the bottle would use is the cap, so I don't see what trouble they'd have replacing that.
Fukurou is being released as SG first.
So-do KumaTV is coming with this Fullbottle encyclopedia or whatever the heck it is.
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>>6807601 Really hoping for a DX set.
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>>6807604 If it's complete, it feels like that could be the final word on Gold Scorpion's fate.
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>>6806762 matte black wouldn't be that hard, it'll depend more on how difficult it is to mask the areas you don't want the black paint and matte coat to get on. I think the gunpla thread would be a better thread to ask for help in.
Take a photo of the part too, so you can tell what kind of black and matte coat would be best to recommend for it.
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>>6802999 >>the fact he was used in like 3 or 4 episodes yeah.. honestly, I'm glad I pre-ordered, I love Cross Z. I'm sadder that he is only used for 3-4 episodes in the show. I wonder why they did that... It's such a fun suit, I don't even have to hate CZC to want to see Cross Z way more in the show. Does anyone else feel this way..?
sentido common (common sense anon 2.0)
sentido common (common sense anon 2.0) Mon 26 Feb 2018 13:54:48 No. 6807908 Report >>6807604 Okay, I hope this answers what happens to GoldScorpion. But that doesn't mean we can't get F1Saurus. We still have to make the Drive Legend Mix because it requires F1 from that Best Match.
sentido common (common sense anon 2.0)
sentido common (common sense anon 2.0) Mon 26 Feb 2018 14:02:43 No. 6807911 Report Quoted By:
>>6807908 Oh, and by the way, I hope that Merry Christmas and BatEngine are possible placeholders. I know that 1-65 are the track sets for all story-relevant FullBottles, not including the Hard/Hazard Smash FullBottles. And I mean what we saw on TV, not the movie.