>>6803825Oh, I know that that happens, and there are crooked people in customs, or even in the postal service and they're the ones at blame, not the buyer themselves.
But either way, what I mean is that in the end, the buyer is still likely to file a claim that the item never arrived, so the seller is still out their money and their item. That's why sellers in the US just don't want to deal with keeping track of which countries tend to do this. Seems particularly high in Mediterranean and middle Eastern Countries, some South American countries and some Asian countries.
On top of that USPS Prices are so ridiculous even within our own country, that they just start skyrocketing when shipping outside of the country.
I've only sold internationally a few times, but one of the most honest people I've ever ran into was a guy in Brazil. (Which is generally one of the "do not sell to" countries, I find) Anyway, I made a mistake in my listing and didn't mean to sell internationally, but I accidentally sold internationally. Instead of cancelling the auctions to the winners, I decided to honor the winning bidders and sold them internationally.
The guy in Brazil won a single figure, and wanted the cheapest shipping option available, which was about $20 with no tracking. Anyway, nearly two months later, I get a message from the guy saying the item hadn't arrived yet. We had a pleasant back and forth, no ill will on either side. Eventually he filed a claim and got his money back. I just didn't make a big deal about it, and moved on.
A week later he contacted me back to say the item had arrived, and sent the money back to me. Now, there was no proof on my end that the item arrived, so the guy in good honesty sent the money back. He wouldn't have had to and could have kept the figure and the money, and I would have never been the wiser.
So, that was pretty nice. I doubt anyone even within the US would have been that honest.