>>6822736Windblade is generations, rid, and cyberverse (and comics)
Bulkhead is animated and prime
Pretty good chances strongarm will show up again, she's quite popular.
Dinobot slash seems to be sticking (movie, potp)
Drift is definitely sticking (comics got a toy, movie got multiple toys, rid got toys)
Some of the thirteen primes are popping up in media, like the fallen, micronus, etc.
Oh, and sentinel prime, while technically being an old character is certainly being fleshed out a lot more.
Basically prime completely reinvented characters, and created mass produced vehicons to fill ranks, but RiD has a ton of unique decepticons. They'll likely reuse some of them. My bet is the cybertronian line will let new characters come out via remolds and repaints.
New seekers, for instance.
If you want a whole toy line with at least 50% new characters, you'll probably have to wait until cyberverse ends.
I'm half expecting, given the machinima series, that hasbro is going to create an online only show for teens and adults, since the bayfilms are ending. I could see tons of new characters that way.