>>6842435Starting with everyone in the IW trailers so far, we got
>the wakandansBP got a wave recently, so he should be retail, you've gotta hit ebay for okoye baf though. Getting gouged a little on the BAFs is gonna be a recurring theme.
>the core teamwidow, iron man, and cap are all getting releases in the next couple waves. You can get regular banner from a 3 pack off ebay for 20, and there's a bunch of different options for hulks. Thor had a couple versions last year but it's a different costume if that bugs you.
>the newer peoplevision and scarlet witch have a 2-pack out nowish, but it's toys r us so ymmv. Dr. strange had a figure when his movie came out but honestly it was pretty bad. Ditto for bucky, he's got a couple options but none are great. Falcon is great and will have two releases by this year, and war machine has had a ton too. His most recent armor was in a two pack so it'll probably be a little harder to get.
>spaceguysiirc there's a three pack with rocket groot and thor that might be in limbo with TRU going under, but there should still be a bunch of rockets floating around from last year. gamora mantis and nebula are probably gonna be the hardest to get now, particularly mantis who was a BAF. Drax has had two releases and star lord got a shitload just last year, so they should be easy
>big badsProxima midnight has a good toy that just came out, and thanos is the baf for that wave.
But yeah, most of the movie stuff is pretty good these days. The worst part of them used to be shitty faces, but they're doing a new printing method now that's mostly fixed that. Except the new cap and panther, they got fucked for some reason.