>>6867263> what exactly is the harm in diversityNatural diversity resulted in the world as it was originally, people who spoke differently or lived differently all lived separately. This separation was not caused by racism or fear, but because it's natural for people who look the same to feel comfortable around others who look the same - that is how fan-bases are formed.
This separation resulted in many cultural achievements that are still focused on today, it also created many different languages and styles of architecture, art and culture.
> harmonized mixed folksThe harm comes when you try to force the 'harmonization' as you call it. 'Harmonization' will inevitably be the death of individuality, individual cultures and races would be lost via such a system. Speeding towards that goal just creates an imbalance where it's unsustainable to catalogue or record any of the culture that will be lost. Locations are changing demographics on a rate that has resulted in the loss of many cultures.
Imagine trying to maintain a culture when you are being flooded with people from other cultures all bringing in their cultural aspects - eventually your culture is lost along with everyone else because they are all competing in a location where their culture is not a focal point.
> Why do white people need to be kept a separate and discrete group from the other races?Currently most races, sexes, religions are viewed as protected races - whites and males are not. Social justice warriors and Feminists have started to gain a larger hold in media in recent years and iconic male characters and white characters are now vilified or made incompetent.
Star Wars has been the most noticeable to do this, the only surviving competent original cast member is Leia. The First Order is 'misogynistic group of white males' according to Kathleen Kennedy along with several of the cast.
When did you last view a white male Star Wars character that did not fall into those categories?