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No.6878997 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone remember a toy like this:
I have no idea what they were called but you could get them in supermarkets and two dollar shops in the 90s, probably never in a real toy store. This was in Australia.
The figures in them were maybe 3cm high and I think they only bent at the waist. They were one solid colour. They were little men and they all had helmets like Cobra Commander but without the face shield. (I think with no face shield)
They came with vehicles and the vehicles all had modular parts so you could exchange their parts.
I remember one I had was a humanoid robot with a grey torso and yellow limbs. No head, the pilot figure sat in the torso with his head uncovered.
I think these came in small sets but also much larger ones.
Not just mechs but ships and things too.