>>6913489In IDW comics, there was a writer before Roberts who wrote an ongoing (and outspokenly said he did not get the concept of Transformers at some point) and at one point a human says to the Autobots "Aren't you supposed to be millions of years old? Why are you acting like babies?"
Roberts added some cultural things to the Transformers age, such as a new myth where death existed but was destroyed in a battle with the four other gods respresenting aspects of Transformers, a mental condition called information creep that explains why they don't remember millions of years of events super-clearly and get millions of years of personal development from them, and some other stuff.
Sins of the Wreckers by Roche, Stakeout has a heartwarming moment with Verity, she doesn't think she should matter to a million year old robot, but Stakeout tells her that the five years he spent with her were the highlight.
I don't think other writers outside IDW have really stopped and thought about how weird it is that these robots are so old and what that should make them like. It's kind of a heady topic for a cartoon, Dreamwave and Marvel were... doing other things.