>>6917255Oh boy, it's another out of touch NEETs opinion, first of all most show suffer in ratings post movie films, there are exceptions but GoBots, Heman/Shera, BraveStarr, they all had major motion pictures most of which didn't change anything and crashed into a fiery mess while G1 outlasted it(wil get back to that). The reason all those films killed the brand was because they bombed in theaters(or in the case of GiJoe never made it to theaters because of the lack of profits from other films) and as such it killed or hurt the line because of sales. Also Transfomers made killer sales on toy merc for the film and beyond it was just they had a 5.5 million debt in today's money from the films crash and burn, they had all of season 3 produced and done but there was next to know money for anything else and even through sales were strong they only had money for rebirth. They are also ignoring that Japan took to the changes with a passion with even less context than what we got. Regardless we got 4(US)~6(UK) more years of TF toys before they suffered and most of that was to TMNT killing everything.
The guy is also confirmation bias when he brings up Beast Machines, a sequel to Beast Wars, the most radically changed pitch of the TF property that succeed, they tried something new and it work. He then brings up skids and mudd flap and compares them to Hot Rod when their existences were for completely different reasons and the duo didn't change replace anybody, hell the film made bank and it wouldn't be till AoE onward that sales started to dip. He then admits that the 2015 change was because stuff wasn't selling good, it's a strange event when you watch someone lose their narrative like that in one post.
He claims the moral is if it isn't broke don't fix it when the real moral is look around before you start shit.