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Glyos General

No.6935111 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
BT- Wave 12
KotS- Leather Knight
Zullen- ZED (Soldout), TRV, Apocalypse
Onell- Buildstation White, Mraedis Agents
Mega Merge- Fallout @ Gamestop

>Onell Drop - Late May
>Speaking of upcoming releases, our next one (late May) focuses on a pretty specific and somewhat obscure homage that some of you may be familiar with from when you were kids. It's a little outside the more popular 80's toylines, but does have some significant meaning behind the scenes over here, particularly in regard to the DSG design. I consider this coming wave a temporally displaced birthday gift to my much younger and less gray counterpart, playing under the bed somewhere in a permanent 1984. Be prepared for extra weirdness with this one, and of course, expect a couple surprises.

Nothing official. Roboforce & Zeroids Zerak Blue likely soon
OSM -Five Points Fest- Cthulhu Nautilus

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