Just came back from shopping (including Big Lots). Picked up one of each skelly. Not a bad haul for 20 bucks! As the Anons had previously mentioned, this bad bootleg boy is just a hair less than 7" (using calipers to measure). It's heavier than I expected, has a short torso, and very thick, stocky arm and leg bones. It's not anatomically correct, but is still clearly recognizable as a human skeleton. And... it's only 5 dollars!!! Wow! What a deal!
The combination swivel/hinge joint for the skull seems to be too large, so it affects the ability of the jaw to open and close, and also makes it hard to turn it to face forwards so the skull can nod up and down, instead of tilt from side to side. It's a really tight fit!
The shoulder joints are the same... some flashing, and very hard to turn 360 degrees inside the body, although the arm swivels just fine. Elbow (hinge joint only) and hands (swivel joint only) are exactly like Rement Pose skelly, but bootleg bone boy is, of course, lacking the additional interchangeable hands!
The spine and pelvis combo joint is serviceable, pretty much like a scaled-up Rement skelly.
The thigh bones, and their connection to the kneecap and the shin is a little problematic. No matter how you rotate it, you can't get the knee to bend 90 degrees backwards. The can bend 90 degrees forwards (looking very unnatural) but that looks really bad. I suspect that using some hot water and swapping the entire left leg for right and vice versa may fix things.
The feet connect to the legs using the same combination swivel/hinge joint. The bootleg skelly is able to stand by itself.
All in all, this is an amazing skelly toy for the price! A lot of toy manyfactures (NECA, etc.) favor 7" figures, so these can fit in perfectly! They are a little too tall, burly and hulking for 6" figures, and in a punch, they might look OK with 8" MEGO figures. So versatile! And so cheap!