Having Ideon, Megazord, and the latest Zambot 3. The engineering design is good, the problem is everything else.
Ideon has this flimsiest plastic I ever touched on a toys. And I don't know whether because it is the first release, the clearance for most of the major joint pegs just simply too big for the peg holes. The Sticker looks nice, but they are very thick and lift up over the green window. Though it was a good thing they have the indent for the windows so deep so even the stickers peel they still stay in position.
Megazord has a way thicker and fuller plastic. But the stickers plain suck and the coloring of the thing would be very difficult unless you are a master.
Zambot has a slightly weaker plastic, but there are no clearance issue and the colors are separated enough that you can color the sticker parts of the colors.
I think I will get this getter set. I pray the red arcs on the legs are plastic parts.