>>6974076You're wrong. Hasbro did threaten to pull the entire master license of every property from IDW last March.
They had previously insisted that Aubrey Sitterson be fired from not only GI Joe, but was not allowed to write anything for the publisher. The publisher agreed and then EIC Chris
Ryall and the women who was the main editorial liason between the companies made a plan to keep AS on GI Joe under a pen name. They not only disobeyed Hasbro's directive, they lied to keep that twat on their payroll.
Other IDW employees were afraid that Hasbro would find out, so they rated on Ryall. Hasbro threatened to pull every Hasbro license last March if IDW didn't fix things.
Several investors found out and threatened to pull out if Hasbro left.
IDW was in the position of firing Ryall and the others involved or shutting down. You can go back and see the press releases about the staff at IDW leaving on your own. Hasbro got their way, IDW stayed open and kept the licenses.
The other thing Hasbro wanted was a full reboot. They allowed the current writers to finish their stories, but gave them and end date. None of the current writers apart from Barber (who is now EIC) will be back on the reboot.
The main reboot comic will tie directly into the War For Cybertron trilogy from the Generations toy line. There will also be OGNs aimed at younger readers and all ages audiences tying into the Bumblebee movie and some loosely based on the old cartoons.
You will not be seeing the racist SJW propaganda that you leftists adore in the reboot. Politics are banned per Hasbro. You can believe whatever you want. You can even believe that ponies fly out of Unicron's ass, but it is no more true than your fantasy that IDW is rebooting for anyother reason than what I have explained.