>>6980529There's some great stuff here, so rather than filling out a giant post with everything i think you're doing right, I'm just gonna focus on areas that could be improved.
You can take the faction requirements right out. Instead of mandating autobots and decepticons never mix, simply allow for faction bonuses if the entire team is on the same faction. This makes the player chose to risk mixing or not.
Movement and speed are the hardest, and you don't want to get bogged down. I would give all figures a movement speed of "one figure space" per turn (basically the bigger they are, the further they go) for their robot walking mode, and a seperate speed (say, 4 spaces) that depends on their alt mode. Then, to make it fair, smaller bots get more movements per turn.
Say you have a titan master repugnus, a cosmos, a kup, an alpha trion, a blaster, and metroplex
Repugnus gets 5 movement, cosmos 4, kup 3, A3 gets 2, blaster 1, and metroplex only moves every other turn.
But if they can fit on top of each other, they can ride and not spend their points.
If repugnus, cosmos, and kup are on metroplex, his one movement (which is one metroplex space, several inches) puts all three much closer to their goal. Then repugnus still gets to move 5 times (five repugnus spaces are about 5 inches) so if you play them correctly, you can move repugnus forward like, a foot in one round.
Really focusing on the figures themselves as a mechanic is key.
Penalties for things like figures or weapons falling off when moving them are a good idea too