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173KiB, 1334x750, Daibadi General - Death To The Polynian General.jpg
Hidey ho everyone, welcome back . June is here and that means we're about a month away from Summer WonFes! What are you guys hoping to see? What are you excited for? Who do you want to be next in line for release? Who do you plan on buying? Skipping?
In figure news, Daibadi has shown off the finished prototype for Alvin Chen! He, like Lucio before him, will come packed with a feminization kit. Full color prototype is set to be shown off next month at the Daibadi booth at WonFes, so feel free to check in here for any more news and info. Grey Mel has also been released along with the hand packs. Also, Vania (Old Uniform Version) and Bleuet are currently up for PO along with the Face Pack and Motoroid Eye Decals. Here is the assistance e-mail for those who need it, so if any problem should arise, feel free to contact them over at "user_support@mile-stone.jp".
Final note, here's the link to the Poly discord. Drop in if you want more Poly goodness or just want to meet some really rad people. It's still here.
> https://discord.gg/YfAwkdH
As always, feel free to share your photos and adventures. Also, welcome newcomers, we hope you enjoy your stay.
Last Thread:>>6928937
-Release Schedule-
>Motoroid Bleuet
>Polynian Face Part Set
>Motoroid Eye Decal Set
>Vania (Old Uniform Version)
In figure news, Daibadi has shown off the finished prototype for Alvin Chen! He, like Lucio before him, will come packed with a feminization kit. Full color prototype is set to be shown off next month at the Daibadi booth at WonFes, so feel free to check in here for any more news and info. Grey Mel has also been released along with the hand packs. Also, Vania (Old Uniform Version) and Bleuet are currently up for PO along with the Face Pack and Motoroid Eye Decals. Here is the assistance e-mail for those who need it, so if any problem should arise, feel free to contact them over at "user_support@mile-stone.jp".
Final note, here's the link to the Poly discord. Drop in if you want more Poly goodness or just want to meet some really rad people. It's still here.
> https://discord.gg/YfAwkdH
As always, feel free to share your photos and adventures. Also, welcome newcomers, we hope you enjoy your stay.
Last Thread:>>6928937
-Release Schedule-
>Motoroid Bleuet
>Polynian Face Part Set
>Motoroid Eye Decal Set
>Vania (Old Uniform Version)