I Wasn't really feeling a lot of the exclusives this year.
Got up super early (Well, super early for me. Sensible hours for most people I guess?) to head down to Hot Topic since they had the few pops me and a friend wanted.
Wound up getting there at 9:01 and they already ran out of Broly. Not that I wanted one, I just thought it was hilarious the one they got the most of sold the quickest.
Wound up getting myself a Wreck-It-Ralph, Fix-It-Felix, Dead Yamcha and a flocked Ghus, Don't even read SAGA, I just thought it was kawaii as fuck. and for my friends I got Black Lady, and another Ghus.
I also ordered a Edna Jack-Jack and Tina ride.
Everywhere else seems like they got a shitton, so I might pick up Soldier and Red Hood down the road.