>>7042805Just don't listen to what the media says about the backlash and listen to the retards on /tv/ and the nerd normies on Youtube; the buzzfeeds of the world are pitting everybody against each other for cheap clicks.
The backlash against the movies is mostly due to the lack of originality, the sloppy writing, and the obsession of the new movies with humilliating and killing the old characters.
I thought that putting a message against war profiteering was fine but the Casino section was just clumsily put together garbage. War profiteering has been a theme in Star Wars since the prequels (inb4 muh plinkett) and it could've been from the OT had it been a more in vogue issue during Vietnam because Star Wars has always been anti-war, but making a useless side plot to shoehorn it it's inevitably going to get backlash because it's already harming the story. Americans who thought it was all about anti-capitalism got the message wrong but where totally on point with feeling there was something deeply wrong with it.
Some people celebrated the return of Han in TFA even though he was a full on deadbeat, though others caught on and hated it. Having Luke fall from grace is a good idea but his fall was embarrassing and low, it wasn't the failure of a well-intentioned father-figure trying to apply ancient and proven knowledge to fix a problem but an irrational and authoritarian outburst that perverts Luke's character that is taken as the logical consequence of that same ancient knowledge.
Archetypically, both Han and Luke have been raped in the ass to death, and that's just one of the important issues with the sequels.