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Toy design choices you hate

No.7041964 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are design choices/engineering decisions/gimmicks/features on toys you absolutely loathe?

For me it's borderline useless joints with almost no range thanks to the sculpt getting in the way or the engineering just being dreadful. NECA and McFarlane are the biggest offenders, often sculpting directly onto the joints or worse just making the joint a cut in the sculpt, such that the sculpt only looks "right" in one pose and the articulation is hugely limited. Probably the worst examples I've handled were the NECA Robocop mold and the McFarlane Anniversary Master Chief (with the buildable insignia), both of which had good sculpts but thanks to poor engineering/partscount were borderline unposeable. Black Series are also guilty, with 90 degrees or less being common on the elbows thanks to the dated as hell joint designs.