>>7092038>That supervisor is a comic book fanDoesn't seem like a fan when they make a peak human into a fatso and all those weird inconsistencies like Venom being based on a nightmare Ultimate Peter Parker had about his suit.
As i said, licensing doesn't seem to give a shit and that it seems like they're only taking a random cover and making a toy based on that.
>making up rules as to what's improving or not. How hard is it to read english, understand their meaning, and remember what I've said?
I've consistently pointed out that it's falling back to spiderman and Wolverine, where Spiderman is a disjointed mess of joints. That Yamaguchi failed to try to hide the joints like he did with Wolverine. Again, by inserting those joints right at the sides of his chest, it's doing the same shit as Spiderman, making it in a clusterfuck of shapes like an inhuman robot.
That's why it's called REGRESSION. We didn't see that on the sleeker humanoid shapes of Deadpool and Magneto, which would be considered PROGRESS.
Again, you want to say that this REGRESSION is because he made him into a tubby. If he actually did his homework on who the character is and what his power is, he wouldn't have made him 200lbs heavier to need to cut him up like he was a Transformer.
>One thing breaks the improvement chain huh?What improvements? you're the only one being vague and then trying to say it's totally not Yamaguchi's fault for making Captain Chubs and making him overly complex.
Again, these are two steps backwards and no real steps froward. Disjointed, clusterfuckiness like SpiderMan and more no-idea-who-this-is-and-not-even-based-on-anything because someone gave him Ed McGuiness's Fighting American as a joke AND LOL I CANT BELIEVE HE DID IT THE ABSOLUTE MAD MAN.
ok, one step forward if the chest is an improvement over wolverine's and venom's, but it's stil la slide back anyway.