>>7132177Almost everything I've ever gotten from maketoys.
Galaxy Meteor
Green Giant (although I did later replace him with Gravity Builder)
Striker Noir, Rioter Despotron and Thunder Erebus
Chaos Paladin
All fucking fantastic. Only thing I bought of their's that I regretted was their Battle Sentinel from the Battle Tanker series.
MMC Nero Rex, Carnifex and Commotus are also pretty damn neat.
As far as regrets go, having 0 familiarity with the comic characters I have some regret picking up the MMC DJD. They aren't bad by any means, just no longer hold the same charm they once did. I also probably would have steered clear of the KFC Simba/MP Star Saber combo. Looks fantastic but poorly toleranced and a bit of a hassle. I also feel I my have gone a little too hard on the IF releases.
I'm starting to get a lot more picky with my MP/3p/Diaclone pick ups.