>>7136705Blue Boy's not so bad if you cover up his eyes. I put a bit of blue silk drawstring over them, so he's wearing a blindfold that matches his outfit, looks great.
>>7136889She had the worst QC of all of them. I bought one and tried to turn an arm, it twisted off in my hand. Returned it, got another, she cracked apart at the waist like a cracker. Third time was a charm.
>>7137716>>7138027She turned out pretty decent but her ankle joints were a poor design, so she likes to fall over and doesn't like to make any interesting poses before she does.
>>7138089Best girl confirmed.
>>7139400Ajani has the second worst QC of the line, only getting ahead because nothing ever twisted or cracked off him. In fact, much the opposite: When I got him, he came out of the package with superglue on one of his arms, completely freezing the shoulder, bicep, and elbow. Took a while but I managed to carve it free. He also has a number of joints in his legs that are so tight they might as well be fused.
Garruk's alright.
I have lots of feelings about this line. Whoever was in charge clearly knew what they wanted, they had ideas and hopes, they went out and designed six uniquely sculpted, heavily articulated, gorgeously painted action figures full of style and love, but then it all got sent to the same factory that makes the Pops and they just destroyed it, they completely destroyed the line.
I would love to see some KO company steal these molds and try running some actual plastic through them instead of vinyl or whatever the fuck these are made out of.
>>7136743>>7138635Their GoT, Evolve, Rocketeer, and Firefly figures are all of exactly the same baseline quality, and even got worse over time as they started using clear plastic for everything and just painting over it. All Funko Legacy figures are saddled with QC and budget restraints that completely rob them of the astounding quality they start out with at the design phase. It's just such a depressing thing to see.