>>7151316I was in a drug store once, saw one of the Sentinel series Marvel Legends and bought Omega Red.
When i went to pay it an eldery lady rung me up and told me
>You're going to make some kid really happyAs i was walking out.
I laughed and said
>Yeah, my inner childShe remembered me from that day forward and she talked a lot about her daughter and even wanted me to meet her.
Also, speaking of which, the other day i overheard some mother and daughter talking about some love interest or maybe boyfriend of the daughter and the mom was talking mad shit about him.
From the sounds of their conversation, he was much older than the daughter, who looked 18 at most, and said that he's the type of guy who will never grow up because he does childish things.
Two opposites and the mother talking with her daughter was probably only that way about the BF because she didn't really know him.. or because she did know him and that he went to /toy/ who routinely gets butthurt because someone criticized his brand.