>>7170085>>7170297>>7170309>>7170317The problems largely lie in Sharpclaw/Razorclaw
-Razorclaw's knees have a swivel UNDER the knee joint rather than above. This is done to give Predaking articulation, but it not only ruins Razorclaw's leg articulation and poseability, but the knee swivels are PINNED into said knee joint housing vertically with a very small pin prone to breakage, and said swivels have no tension whatsoever so they're completely loose.
-Razorclaw's hips are ratcheted, but it's a weak soft ratchet that can't support Predaking's weight. The skirt armor (which is an external piece and cannot store anywhere) does house them, but it doesn't solve the problem.
-Predaking's wings, which is an entire backpack piece rather than being made from Divebomb's wings, is too heavy and ruins the combiner's entire balance by dragging him down backwards.
-The connection points for Rampage and Divebomb to connect to Razorclaw for Predaking's arms are too tight, and require a bit of sanding on the combiner pegs to insert and remove easily
-Storage. Predaking's head, waist, skirtarmor, wing backpack and hands have nowhere to store when he's not combined, that's a LOT of leftover kibble. There's nothing you can do with the individual Predacon's swords either.
Really though, a couple of these can be resolved. I don't regret spending money the money on him, but he definitely needs extra work. In the end it still cost me less than Feral Rex or Ares would have, and he's in scale with my other combiners.
That being said, I still don't understand why there are combiner pegholes in Razorclaw's shoulder guns.