>>7224364>"New is good, old is bad?"The whole new is better topic is definitely a thing.
At least as long as the movie is still trying to make back it's money. Movies, and shows like Moana, Ghostbusters 2016, Star Trek Discovery, Live action Beauty & the Beast, and Maleficent were defended TO DEATH while they were in theaters, and waiting to be released to home video on this site by either sjws or paid viral marketers.
Oddly enough after these shows, and films made the money they were going to make all those EXTREMELY AGGRESSIVE people who would insult you, and come to the defend of these new films 24 hours a day, and night with a fiery passion suddenly just disappear.... For example while Star Trek Discovery was airing on cbs all access (a paid online streaming service) anyone who called it STD instead of DISCO, or said anything negative about it on this site was immediately shut down, while being called a variety of colorful names like "man babies, Incel, racist" or being told that "they hated woman, and probably lived in their mothers basement."
The thing that strikes me as odd is that after the show was released, and made the money it was going to make for that year all those people who would literally tell others who disliked the show to "go kill themselves" were suddenly nowhere to be found. You could shit talk about the show with other fans, for months after it was done airing and nobody would appose you or insult you. That was of course until season 2 of the show was due to air a few weeks back, and suddenly out of nowhere they came back after being gone for a full year. Where did they go during the months the show was off the air? The real fans were still here, and talking shit about about it so where did the viral marketers... I mean people who defended it while insulting you go?
I really don't wanna believe in these type of things sometimes, but I think we have a severe viral marketing problem on social media sites these days.