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No.7237047 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I fucking hate redditors.

They really are the worst, slimiest, most sanctimonious and hypocritical pieces of human shit imaginable. Reading the comments on the Bader Ginsburd fall that's on the frontpage, trying to pretend they care about her life when really they are only scared that Trump will get another judge. 4chan is a fucking shithole populated by incel scum, but at least people here would be honest about why they want what they want.

The fact they mask their animalism in a thin veneer of political correctness and feel so fucking morally superior makes me sick to my arsehole. If Trump died or was killed tomorrow you know they would pretend that they didn't want this to happen, that they only desired that he be impeached in accordance with legal justice. The faux-respect and magnanimity they would don, dear god it would be sickening.

Basically the reddit hivemind is cancerous and I say that as someone who used to be in it. I was sucked in about 8 years ago but autistic subreddits like theredpill and conspiracy helped me see that reddit was full of unsavable NPC morons (and 99% of those subs are shit too for different reasons). Beware of online board culture friends, here and especially that shithole website.