>>7284587Nobody would sit on the license, especially for a big one, because they'll need to pay penalties out their ass. A license requires you to use it every single year and produce a certain amount of quantities, and these are INSUREd quantities, so that they can pay the licensor money for every unit made.
They'd simply lose it if they can't do that.
So unless Activision had a really shit licensing department back in the day, i doubt Mcfarlane sat on it and more like no one wanted to give Activision money for their license back then after Mcfarlane stopped making products.
And this is a worrying thing about Mega Bloks/MAttel holding the license, because they're definitely underproducing shit if they're only making minifigures now.
So either Mattel is paying Activision for everything not being made or they're going to ditch the license because of the lack of product they're able to sell to retailers.
and i'd pay many monies for some GoT/WD quality CoD sets from McFarlane. That line died, but fuck if their sets weren't grea.t