>>7289622Oh for crying out loud, MH dolls were never inappropriate or edgy. If anything it was nice to see a line that balanced cute with a different type of aesthetic, without ever having to resort to gross-out humor. If anything, I wish I had gotten into it at the beginning so I would've been able to pick them up in stores more often (and the prices weren't spiked up like they are now on Amazon). It's easier to pick them out in stores so you don't risk dolls that have wonky eyes.
Assuming you're not trolling (and if you are I guess I took the bait), people with mindsets like you are the reason the line died out the way it did. Heck I had someone at a store I worked at complained about the violin section from 'Psycho' being played on the speakers as part of the Halloween music list, so I'm not surprised people will complain about anything. You sound like a awful overly-sensitive helicopter parent and that's not going to be good for the kids in the long run. Also it's 'Dia de los Muertos'; if you're gonna insult something, at least do it correctly.
And this opinion on the dolls is coming from someone who got nightmares from the Goosebumps show at age 10, not really into horror stuff, and jumps easily at horror movies to this day!