>>7293266Its not that simple.
Kabuki lent its style to cultural perception of the medieval period, mainly because its what everyone in the Edo period AKA "the formative part of modern history, analogous to America 1777-1900" saw portraying that era of history.
A lot of what we now think of as traditions of samurai are actually just bullshit that works well on stage. Likewise, our entire idea of ninjas comes from Kabuki; just like in the west, people who did stagework were dressed entirely in black to let the audience know that they are supposed to be ignored, and clever directors realized it'd mindfuck the audience if suddenly one of them jumped into the story, like as an assassin hiding in plain sight the entire scene suddenly killing a main character and delivering a monologue of his own.
Samurai, primarily powerful warlords and secondary characters, were often portrayed with face makeup like pic related, which Windblade has. While actors in Kabuki were almost always male, the style of makeup bled back into real life as painters looking to portray famous female samurai like Tomoe Gozen or Hojo Masako looked to how male samurai were portrayed in Kabuki.