>>73243892018 was my first full year of collecting after starting in the middle of 2017. Of the 227 pieces currently in my collection, I acquired 176 of them in 2018. My collection did fluctuate during the course of the year and I did get rid of some things as I was getting out of collecting various lines or simply just not being interested in some of the things I had obtained. Overall I am happy with the direction my collection is heading in and am confident in my ability to drop things that I am not enjoying. Highlights include:
>BTAS Batwing for $75 off some website>Lucked into getting into Storm Mortal Kombat for at or near retail by being in the right place at the right time>Completing all my favorite Figuarts Sentai teams (that had figures anyway)>Started collecting Mezco (though this may not turn out to be a highlight)>Got my feet wet with diorama building which turned out to be really fun and scratched a creative itch>Started an instagram page for my toys