>>7383771As someone who was a kid during G1's height, who still has an original G1 Prime, who's favorite toy as a kid was Sludge, all I'm gonna say is...Armada was one of my favorite TF lines of all time. The cartoons were cheesy over the top silly, the toys had some fun gimmicks and solid figures, though horrifically hampered articulation and the designs are still some of my favorites to this day. Armada Prime was literally the toy I think of when I stopped buying toys "to play with" and started being an active "collector" (though I still play with em because that's the whole point). Armada Prime was my main Prime for a long time as his main figure was a lot of fun (though again, limited articulation), his trailer's basemode was actually useful due to the minicons and his supermode was fairly impressive, especially when mixed with Jetfire and Overload. On top of all that, his gimmick where his trailer auto transformed along side you transforming the main figure, from truck to bot to super mode and back again is to this day one of the best gimmicks in all of TF toydome imo.
Of the three attempts at updating Armada designs, one was an abject failure despite of the original figure's design, one was a solid figure if only way too small and the third was a lazy remold on a rushed figure.
If they took the simple but solid concepts from Armada and updated them with the simple and solid design choices from the Siege line, I'm sure any Armada update would be absolutely amazing.
Also, Tidalwave is still the tallest non-Titan class, main line Decepticon in my collection. Being taller...and heavier...then even Combiner Wars Combiners. If anyone needed a Commander/Titan Class update, it's him.
>>7384023This is pretty much how I have my main-line collection set up. If I like a figure, I buy it regardless of character. If I have a figure with the same name, one of em gets repurposed as someone else. As much as I like certain characters, I'd much rather have cool toys.