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How do you manage your collections, /toy/?
I've recently realized that I 'collect' a lot of lines. My methods of collecting are varied, mostly thrift stores, Ebay, and import sites. It's getting more and more difficult to properly sort my displays. I have Calico Critters sharing a shelf with Lego minifigures and assorted thrift store finds.
Do you tend to separate 'high-end' figures from thrift store figures, or otherwise sort by value?
I've recently realized that I 'collect' a lot of lines. My methods of collecting are varied, mostly thrift stores, Ebay, and import sites. It's getting more and more difficult to properly sort my displays. I have Calico Critters sharing a shelf with Lego minifigures and assorted thrift store finds.
Do you tend to separate 'high-end' figures from thrift store figures, or otherwise sort by value?