>>7435425>At least their character models look good in the first place and they did put more budget in the action scenes.Oh, you mean the ones that look nothing like the toys and just sort of melt from robot to vehicle? Boy was I disappointed the first time I saw Ironhide's toy. And Megatron's.
>>7435425>If only Bandai cam earlier with Machine Robo: Revenge of Cronos, than the toyline would kept alive and had a chance against TF.Don't say things like that you can't take back. The Machine Robo anime is one of the most boring cartoons I've ever watched. It's got a catchy opening theme and that's about it.
>>7435435>Neither show was good animation-wise, let's admit it.Challenge is a hell of alot more consistent. Outside of some abysmal episodes like Renegade Alliance and Ring of Fire, it's more on model. The Starscream-colored-as-Thundercracker errors are limited entirely to bit players Dr Go and Baron Von Joy (both crackpot scientists, both Porsches, both the same body type). The wrong-person-talking errors are rare. And so on.
Season 2 of G1 picked up in quality but fell right back into the shitter for the entirely of season 3 with the exception of a handful of episodes (Webworld, TRoOP, and Call of the Primitives).
I also think Hanna Barbera deserves some credit for the striking jump in quality from a show like Superfriends to GoBots. It's not on the level of MOTU, which is hampered more by the overuse of stock footage than the quality of said footage, but it's not the train wreck it's portrayed as either.